It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

My parents have some hillbilly folk staying over for the weekend, and when they got here I was about to take a nap, and Cassidy speeds into my room, dives under the covers, and cowers by my feet for a few hours. Aww!




Please help. Banjo shits everywhere but the litter box. He pisses in the litter box, but he won't shit in there. I'm tired of spanking him, plus he's so cute it hurts every time to do it lol.

Please help me before I throw him off of my roof.
This "Banjo" looks almost identical to one of my cats.

As for not using the box -- I dunno what to tell you. My cats use it, so I've never had a problem with that. I know that hitting cats when they do something wrong does not work. Plus, I don't approve of that anyway. Perhaps he doesn't like the location of the box.
Rubbing their face in the poo and then tossing them in the litter box can work if you do it enough. With one cat, I had to put the litter box in the bathroom and whenever she crapped anywhere besides the box, I would shut her in the bathroom for a few hours (with food and water of course). It took about 2 weeks before she finally got with the program.
No, you don't understand. He pisses in the litterbox. He KNOWS what it's for...he just won't shit in it or in anything with sand. He prefers things like tile floors, the bathtub, the bidet, the FUCKING SINK...argh.

In fact, he just shit IN FRONT of the litterbox.

We thought, "Hey, maybe he's shy! Let's get him one of those covered litterboxes so he has a little privacy."


And you're right, you can spank him and scold him but he still does it anyway. I gave up spanking him and just held his nose in it for about 2 minutes. Still doesn't work. You have no idea how hard-headed he is.
gah if i had a cat that did that he'd be gone, i had a ferret the just generally shit everywhere he had FUCKING MOUNTAINS of poop in his cage...and when i let him out to run around...whats the first thing he does?

damn if he wasn't the funniest thing you've seen though.