kitties were born free! dont keep em cooped up! they need to hunt and prowl!
i still shudder at the thought of my kitties going outside. i know they have the instincts they'd need - hunt for food, find shelter, stay away from danger ... well, i know lilly would have those instincts. taupe would just wander around and look for people to pet him.Just as well he's talking about cats and not babies then.
I've always wanted to do that too! Since I was a little kid. I imagined being rich and buying a huge building/fenced pasture where the homeless animals could stay at instead of being put to death after two weeks at the pound.
I can not go to pounds, they're too sad.
a few of the fuzzy animals that live in Maryland
kittens! Gizmo and Stripe
awwwwwwwwwww cotton candy
Bear was upset that I started bothering him and woke him up
so I gave him doggy bacon!