It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

Here the killer family cat and (Hitler to the family of Raccoons in the woods) Schmooey:

Here is Damian:
finally posting these pics of my parents' kitty i took several months ago. shes very cute, but very insane.

why are you taking my picture?


why hello thar!


aww kitty


this is in a trailer btw, she goes camping with them
You know Isabel, once I get a hold of your kitty I'm gonna eat him.... For realizies!!

I was trying to find the pic of me looming over your cat with that hunger in my eyes.... Alas I could not!
I do love Bubbles! hahahah, I love it when he says "Who's got your belly?" I used to do that with Xena as a kitten, but now she's a booger about letting me. Me thinks she's self conscious of her girth. :lol:

My ol granny cat. She's 15 now, about 8 at the time of this picture. Sorry bout the quality, there's some old school scanner shit going on here.