it's chromie's birthday!!

Happy belated birthday, Chromie!!
(i'm not at the comp frequently these days, i moved into my new room and i don't have a connection, yet there...but better late then never!)
I hope you two had a great day!!

which discovers my total lack of experience. socks WOULD prevent from slipping, damnit!
I'll rather stick to my diving equipment in the tub....
Happy Birthday. Sorry was on vaca and had very little comp access (my poor wires psyche was in the throes of withdrawal)


It's not a squid, but close enough.

:wave: Hi CT. hope you are enjoying yourself ;)
haha liz my first thought was to post a pic of her singing to jfk...but that's not my style.:Smug:
good idea demonic angel!! a keg!....of dr. pepper!!:kickass: