It's exactly 20 days until the release of the new dillinger album


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
Option paralysis is gonna be SahWEET! :D

Right now im bathing in the glory that is farewell mona lisa, and am constantly reminded how damn good they are (the snare sounds so damn good aswell)

Is anyone else excited about this release of spazcore/jazz/br00talz?

for newcomers...

Atleast wait until the clean interlude <3
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I love those kinda tracks that get you going 'Sunshine the werewolf' is another one, good god. Rumour has it they're playing download (Greg said on his twitter) so they're pretty much self confirmed :D
I'm totally stoked. I was never concerned about Dillinger getting new drummers because that's the last band that could get by with mediocre drumming. :headbang:
Wasn't a huge fan of Dimitri, I really like Greg's voice, his singing has a really good sound to it that's very recogniseable
Chris Pennis was definitely the best so far though drummerwise
REALLY looking forward to this.
TDEP are one of those rare bands that really carved their own sound
They have brought back some of that spasticness that was really starting to go missing...really dig this track and am now officially pumped for the album.
also ... what i wouldn't do for greg puciato's arms :OMG:


thoes tingz iz huuuuge!
Love this band. Thanks for posting or I would have missed the new stuff for awhile :lol:.