It's finally time to introduce the new toxic grind machine singer!!

Cheers for the reactions!

It sounds like a Tie fighter to me. I am a Star Wars nerd and could be inadvertantly perceiving these things... whoopsies!

It could be that as well Rob.. basically, i found this DVD marked "hollywood sounds and samples" on my desk.. surely it must be from a movie or serie.
:rock: nice! great job with the vocals...very fitting. The guitars sound different also from previous work...very gritty, which model(s) is that?
I'm listening to this again for the first time since my last post (about a month ago, I guess), and it still rules so unquestionably. Bob, when the guitar comes in in the right channel at 1:09, it honestly sounds like there's a deep rumbling thunder under it that's so brutal without overpowering; is that just part of the tone, or did you add it in? Cuz I've never heard a tone that did that before, does anyone else hear what I mean?

It sounds like a Tie fighter to me. I am a Star Wars nerd and could be inadvertantly perceiving these things... whoopsies!

Definitely +1 to that, it's gotta be one of those Twin Ion Engines! :goggly:
:rock: nice! great job with the vocals...very fitting. The guitars sound different also from previous work...very gritty, which model(s) is that?

Same model, sometimes quad tracked at the chorus, pre-chorus and the parts after the chorus... different compression settings and EQ'ed a bit different then usual.

I'm listening to this again for the first time since my last post (about a month ago, I guess), and it still rules so unquestionably. Bob, when the guitar comes in in the right channel at 1:09, it honestly sounds like there's a deep rumbling thunder under it that's so brutal without overpowering; is that just part of the tone, or did you add it in? Cuz I've never heard a tone that did that before, does anyone else hear what I mean?

Heh... it's not something i put in there on purpose Metaltastic.. i can barely hear it myself to be honest.
Bobby - that really sounded good.

Just saw this thread, and I gotta say that I am glad that I check it out.

Keep up the great work!

FWIW - can't wait to hear what you do when S2 comes out .....

Posted in your other thread (though old)

That ruled!! But I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that. Anyone have the patch or the kick setting? I have the jpeg, but desperately need the kick in my mixes to sound like that, and totally fail!