It's Hardcore-week ... my new project - Madball/Agnostic Front/Cro-Mags influenced


Oct 9, 2007
My new project...

The drummer played on an e-drum-set... the Midi-Notes were quantized afterwards... Sound is coming from "Addictive Drums".

Guitars are quad-tracked.
2 tracks Engl Savage 60:
EQ: boosts at 90, 400, 3k ... high-pass at 80, low-pass at 12k.

2 tracks 5150:
EQ: boosts at 80, 400, 3k ... high-pass at 60, low-pass at 9k.

DI-track ... Revalver and of course some EQ

Were recorded really strange with one room-mic and one hand-mic. I only got one bounced track, so editing is not an option at the moment :D
I hope I can get a hand on the single tracks. Sometimes the vocals sound really out of place.

This is an early mix and I pretty much edited ... nothing, so please ignore the squeaks on the bass and the fucked up fade-out of the solo-guitar ;)

I have some issues with the mix but I want to hear other opinions, too, before I ask for specific help on this and that ;)
i like the drums. for this style of hardcore, i really enjoy the click on the kick as well. im not a guitar player at all but i really like the bass. guitars sound good too. the vocals are out of place at times...but its not even an annoyance, just an observation.
Hey ...
thanks for your reply. I think I have to redo the bass on all the songs - the bass-player didn't manage to hit the strings hard enough - you can hear that throughout the track. At the beginning the bass sounds way softer than at the end of the song, were the bass gets a bit annoying.

I just feel, there is a bit of depth missing, especially on the guitars (although the waveform of the mix is well balanced - Reference-Song was Machine Heads Imperium). I already boosted the low-end and low-mids of the guitars but they still seem a bit tiny. I'm missing a bit of atmosphere in there. That liveliness that was also missing in my last mix.

Cheers guys.
Sounds great.

Vocals are very Roger Miret-like but they sound more "normal" which is better for me cuz' Roget Miret vocals are so weird that they make me laugh actually :) (no offense Agnostic Front fans ! :) )

The production is almost perfect for this kind of hardcore.

On some parts i can hear a bit too much "kling kling" (string pick attack).

The guitars are quite ok but they can be improved a little bit as you said.

p.s: by the way i'm gonna attend Agnostic Front + Sworn Enemy tomorrow night.

p.s 2 : any Merauder / Earth Crisis / All out war fans on this forum ?
I'd like to hear the drums a bit more "in your face", but since they're not real drums, it might be better to keep them the way you have them. The guitars are maybe a bit "soft" sounding, but overall they fit the production well IMO. The bass could be better, but you already mentioned that...

For some reason I kinda like Miret's vocals :-D. I heard that his vocals are a bit more "normal" on their new Warriors album, but I haven't checked that album out yet.
Actually "Addictive Drums" sounds pretty real. And because the drums were actually played that way it doesn't sound artificial - at least to me :)
But I'm really struggling bringing the whole set out a bit more - maybe a little bit of additional compression will help.
I also want to try Andy's Kickdrum blended in a bit.

What's bugging me the most is the guitar-sound (sure, I AM the guitar player) - I would love to get it more brutal and huge and thick.
What's bugging me the most is the guitar-sound (sure, I AM the guitar player) - I would love to get it more brutal and huge and thick.
Well, I'm a hc guitarist too and I just boost the heck out of my mids on the amp, pull down the treble and use very little distortion (just enough to make it sound in-your-face actually). Imo, your guitars sound too modern for hardcore.
Sure a great and mighty vintage-tone suits some styles very well, too.

But common ... it just depends on your playing, on the songs and of course on the overall-style... :D
Or would you say Terror has a vintage guitar-tone?
Sure a great and mighty vintage-tone suits some styles very well, too.

But common ... it just depends on your playing, on the songs and of course on the overall-style... :D
Or would you say Terror has a vintage guitar-tone?

héhé Terror has not a vintage tone but not a very modern 5150-like tone... it's in between :)

They have the tight as fuck playing, but not too much gain, an amp with character (Rectifier ?), and a good amount of mids if i'm not mistaken.

As you said the playing and the songs are very important also... Earth Crisis have the Andy Sneap Machine Head 5150 guitar sound on "breed the killers" album but it sounds very in your face due to the tight playing and the riffs themselves.
Sure, I fully agree ... I just don't think one should say "this and that does not fit to this and that".
After all, the 5150 can be a pretty rough sounding asshole-amp, too ... so ;)

Maybe theres a bit too much gain ... well... tolerable :)

Terror used Kranks on the last record IMHO. I think I read that somewhere.
Sure, I fully agree ... I just don't think one should say "this and that does not fit to this and that".
After all, the 5150 can be a pretty rough sounding asshole-amp, too ... so ;)

Maybe theres a bit too much gain ... well... tolerable :)

Terror used Kranks on the last record IMHO. I think I read that somewhere.

I agree. I was more like "If i were you, I'd have a more rough guitar sound maybe" or something.

About the 5150 you're right, the TRIAL new songs are a good example :)
In the GS forum Zeuss said this about Terror - "Always the hard way" recordings:

"There were 3 tracks of gtrs. One side was a Dual recto into a boogie cab 57/421 into an Api. The second was my JCM 800 and snot pedal 57/421 into Api. A third track up the middle was another boogie track I think.

As for the drums there were tons of mics. 3 for the kick, top and btm snare, some other mics I just pointed towards the snare,room mics etc. Lots of different pres used. Some mics on the drums were D6,421,57,602,Josephson,Soundelux.They wanted tons of reverb on the snare. Scott used a SM7 and a 58. No beat detective. all done with lots of takes."
Oh okay ... then I must have mixed that recording interview with an ad for krank-amps or something.

But hey ... three tracks? Wouldn't that get really muddy with the bass ... or does he mean the few lead-tracks?
In the GS forum Zeuss said this about Terror - "Always the hard way" recordings:

"There were 3 tracks of gtrs. One side was a Dual recto into a boogie cab 57/421 into an Api. The second was my JCM 800 and snot pedal 57/421 into Api. A third track up the middle was another boogie track I think.

As for the drums there were tons of mics. 3 for the kick, top and btm snare, some other mics I just pointed towards the snare,room mics etc. Lots of different pres used. Some mics on the drums were D6,421,57,602,Josephson,Soundelux.They wanted tons of reverb on the snare. Scott used a SM7 and a 58. No beat detective. all done with lots of takes."

Thanks for the details man.

By the way, what is this "GS forum" you're mentioning ?
Thanks Waterboy.
Yesterday I fiddled a bit with the snare - I wasn't really satisfied with it because it kind of vanishes in the very fast parts. Just turning up the volume didn't help, I also didn't worked it out via the compressor and EQ within Addictive Drums.
So I tried something new - I added "Multipressor" on the whole drum-bus and added some slight compression around 200Hz and voila - the snare is there. Maybe it needs a bit of further tweaking but hey...

BTW: I also replaced the snare with a Tama Starclassic (was: DW Craviotto) ... which do you like more - soundwise?

EDIT: another version