It's Impudent's Birfday!

lizard said:
you haven't met MadeinNewJersey yet :lol:
I've seen him around, I think. He used to post in the "Chat - Thread Games" section, where I post a lot.
lizard said:
yes he will. he goes off on these periodic sabaticals to recharge the vitriol tanks. :loco:
hahaha awesome.

And yes, he'll be back. He just takes long breaks between e-beatdowns.
my friend's parents just got him a cell phone for his 20th birthday, he told them he'd start using it when they got rid of their ford explorer

oh, happy birthday
cthulufhtagn said:
my friend's parents just got him a cell phone for his 20th birthday, he told them he'd start using it when they got rid of their ford explorer

oh, happy birthday

cthulufhtagn said:
my friend's parents just got him a cell phone for his 20th birthday, he told them he'd start using it when they got rid of their ford explorer

hahaha cheers!

I see this guy in a Hummer driving like a dick on my road (speed limit 35) all of the time, so I always give him the bird. Last night he swerved towards me when I did it :lol:

I was almost frightened, but then I remembered that he has no penis because he drives a Hummer.
I love those people, and the ones that drive SUV EXPLORER F-8500000 EXTRA ENVIRODEATH MODELS and have the backs of the car plastered with stickers like "Jesus loves you and there is nothing you can do about it" and "Praise God or Burn in Hell"
MFJ said:
I see this guy in a Hummer driving like a dick on my road (speed limit 35) all of the time, so I always give him the bird.

edit: also, "extra envirodeath" hahahahaha