It's Impudent's Birfday!

Claws of Perdition said:
Is that why some of you guys dig asian bints, they have smalls hands, makes it look bigger...
My former asian bird: "aren't you glad you have a big winky?"
Me, while watching some 6'3" broad walk by us: "no, but I am glad I have a small Asian girlfriend."
Doomcifer said:
registered 3 months ago and has 2,696 posts already....doesn;t have time. :lol:

happy bday.
I've been on this forum for much longer than that, just not under this account. See my profile for previous accounts. Most of my posts come from the Thread Games and stupid shit like "Now Playing" threads and "What's the last CD you listened to?" Nothing really worthwhile.

Thanks for the birthday greetings.
And I'm so tired right now I feel numb, but I must...keep...posting!