it's not too bad when you have a zit that everyone can see,but it IS problematic when


human plant/container.
Nov 3, 2002
you yourself are able to see the zit without the use of a mirror. on your face, i mean.


the left sphere of my face, down a bit.
right under the eye, and right next to my nose.

there is one of those deep painful zit growth things. the ones that take DAYS to come to a head, but in the meantime there is a huge pus-filled movable SAC under your skin. it's slightly red, and there is a HUGE FUCKING LUMP there. if i wiggle it with my index finger, i can feel the pus moving around and it hurts.

anyhow, this zit being right beneath my eye, it's affecting my vision. i couldn't look down to read the restaurant menu today because i kept seeing the BUMP. had to hold it straight out in front of me.

let's hope this one doesn't get all scaly. *crosses fingers*

or get like "scary stories to read in the dark" and it bursts open and thousands of baby spiders come crawling out! GAH.

buttered toast?
on occasion, if you poke a small hole with a straight pin in these large underskin zits, then apply pressure on both sides, it squirts like a mother.

i'm talking... well i think i know what it's like for a guy to shoot his load, globules included.
With this kind of zit, if you lay face down in one of those massage-chairs that have a hole for your face, you can feel the zit start to fill up with a blood-and-pus mixture. It's an interesting sensation because it sort of feels like your entire center of gravity and/or all your body's chi is flowing into that one zit.