It's that time again (Doom/Drone/Disgusting Noise)


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
Yep, I'm back with some new Doomy shit again, an actual full track this time.

This is probably the most evil, most heavy, brutal, disgusting shit I've ever written.
Imagine Kayo Dot teamed up with Otomo Yoshihide and SunnO))) to write a soundtrack to the end of the universe and you're getting pretty close to how this one sounds.

Guitars are TSS, 8505, ryans fredman impulses.
Drums are s2.0, pretty fucking raw. just turned the room mic up really high, compressed all the drums on one bus and added in a big snare verb.
The glitchy noisy shit is some of my vocals ran through a neverending reverb and dblue glitch and a fucktonne of distortion.
Wine glass drone was a wine glass. Hahaa.

Enjoy kids. If you can make it through to the end, I'll buy you a beer. Celestial Speech/New Track Master.mp3



Please leave thoughts, comments, hate mail, cries of agony as you feel your chest collapse in on itself due to the sheer heaviness, etc for me :D


edit: Glenn you totally know you wanna run the guitar tracks through your beta lead for me ;) hahaha
First thing to come to my mind listening:


...and i'm only listening on laptop speakers.

Gonna crank my monitors tomorrow for this
&#770;&#786;&#842;&#774;&#869;&#830;&#843;&#831;&#780;&#788;&#780;&#856;&#795;&#823;&#808;&#854;&#813;&#815;&#858;&#826;H&#874;&#773;&#780;&#785;&#867;&#783;&#784;&#788;&#777;&#859;&#844;&#777;&#774;&#863;&#823;&#804;&#819;&#798;&#852;&#852;&#828;&#805;&#814;E&#775;&#842;&#859;&#794;&#850;&#849;&#776;&#874;&#786;&#835;&#856;&#808;&#823;&#823;&#819;&#798;&#799;&#790;&#826;&#851;&#791;&#837;&#804;&#814;&#810;&#814;&#852;&#792;&#857;&#827; &#768;&#776;&#777;&#855;&#879;&#770;&#872;&#776;&#776;&#808;&#789;&#866;&#847;&#811;&#806;&#827;&#853;&#790;&#854;&#797;&#800;&#805;&#827;&#858;&#816;&#814;&#804;&#797;&#811;&#817;&#811;&#854;C&#771;&#877;&#878;&#784;&#829;&#838;&#783;&#879;&#775;&#776;&#835;&#844;&#844;&#830;&#867;&#769;&#773;&#824;&#799;&#816;&#851;&#858;&#804;&#839;&#825;&#825;&#815;&#790;O&#872;&#835;&#855;&#859;&#775;&#775;&#834;&#831;&#878;&#784;&#778;&#835;&#875;&#868;&#778;&#785;&#842;&#821;&#832;&#790;&#809;&#792;&#815;&#804;&#858;&#826;M&#771;&#784;&#855;&#787;&#838;&#838;&#848;&#842;&#769;&#779;&#872;&#855;&#866;&#821;&#858;&#803;&#797;&#797;&#851;&#858;&#841;&#851;E&#873;&#848;&#768;&#777;&#848;&#788;&#835;&#843;&#834;&#831;&#869;&#867;&#876;&#830;&#785;&#822;&#847;&#821;&#820;&#825;&#853;&#853;&#806;&#827;&#839;&#810;&#825;&#805;&#813;&#853;&#815;&#851;&#815;&#811;&#813;&#818;S&#836;&#867;&#848;&#836;&#787;&#878;&#786;&#872;&#874;&#781;&#831;&#782;&#795;&#802;&#805;&#814;&#828;&#797;&#800;&#809;&#818;&#811;&#806;&#804;&#819;&#827;&#809;
you actually owe me 4 beers...

it sounds so evil
i think Satan is raping my ears

edited: 5 beers...
edited again : 6 beers XDD
love it, but I would call this atmo for movies.....

Send this to Alexandre Aja (High tension, the hills have eyes, mirrors)
and he has his new soundtrack for sick mutants raping poor chicks:erk:

thats deep, dark, nasty..................I´m feeling the vibe from the first feedback

good sick shit dude
haha ill atmosphere for movies
i like to think of atmospheric shit as being for any time :D

glad you like dude ;)
holy shit dude, it was like a freakin' journey to listen to this. Without aided senses. I never aid my senses. Wouldn't want to do that while listening to this anyway, I'm afraid I'd end up in a different fucking galaxy.

Well done!
Okay, so I'm no drone fan really, soo..

At times I actually found this song funny, in an ironic way, like Empalot, you know? Started scary, but some riffs was just... making me happy!

Thought it was good though, so thumbs up :D
This sounds really good, especially all the menacing feedback and noise.

What did you use with S2.0, play through an electronic kit triggering S2.0? It has a very unprogrammed feel to it, which is great!
This sounds really good, especially all the menacing feedback and noise.

What did you use with S2.0, play through an electronic kit triggering S2.0? It has a very unprogrammed feel to it, which is great!

pencilled it all in, but none of its too the grid, it's just all by hand

and sup corey ^____^ <3

and calle yeah theres some fucking cheeeesy riffs in there
theres the typical pop punk progression in there a few times
like 8th fret, 3rd fret 5th fret, but then it goes down to, SHOCK HORROR, THE FOURTH FRET, so sunno)))