It's that time again (Doom/Drone/Disgusting Noise)

Muthafucker Gareth, you're gonna owe me several slabs of beer by the end of the week at this rate.
Pretty fucking evil dude, I guess maybe my only critique as far as the music goes would be to make the attack on the guitars a little less obvious somehow, because right now all that really comes to mind is you just sitting there, DOING-ing a string or two on your acoustic every few seconds, which kinda hurts the image I must admit :lol: Everything in the background is fucking gnarly and evil too, I can't put my finger on what it is, but it sounds like distant voices or a dog barking or something, and it's badass as hell :kickass: Just heard that punk progression, nice :D But yeah, I guess my main thing is it still sounds a bit like a guy just dicking around on his guitar (though you do it well :lol: )
d00d i literally just finished working on the mix :D
check it now

edit: and of course its just a guy dicking around on a guitar! people take music so seriously these days and nobody is content to just sit there and just dick about with an instrument anymore. to me this is just epic fun times that i do to please myself. i just post it up for other people to enjoy or hate. whether they love it or hate it is no biggy to me, this is all for my enjoyment, which i think is something people have lost sight of. like nobody ever seems to make music for themselves anymore, which is a damn shame. this is pure self indulgence and i have zero problem with that, this is me dicking about in my bedroom because im bored as fuck, and im cool with that.
so ima take it as a compliment ^_^

and the noisy section is an endless reverb on some of my vocals with dblue glitch going totally crazy on it and its covered in distortion, so maybe thats the barking youre hearing? :rofl:
which noisy section or which mix?

noisy section right at the end with the glitchyness is the glitched out vocal shit
and the 3rd mix in the list ;)

i fucked with the high mids loads actually
tried to get the bass track and the guitar track gelling more and have both be audible and stuff, i reckon its much better now. i have another mix with the wine glass drone turned down cos that got really piercing, but ill post that later cos im off to kians now to go get stoned and then go make a new foetus in a jar epic at college
This track remembers me to the hell levels of Diablo 1/2 :) The soundtrack was similiar on that level in the Diablo 1.

I listened it and i felt myself in an another dimension, fucking evil.:kickass:
Did you play this with acoustic?
this is all for my enjoyment, which i think is something people have lost sight of. like nobody ever seems to make music for themselves anymore, which is a damn shame. this is pure self indulgence and i have zero problem with that

See - I dig that. It's like my comments in the thread about the new Slayer album - too many complaints about the guitar tone and such. While I wholeheartedly agree with you on the fact that it's so squashed to shit, I like the fact that Slayer is just Slayer and I don't think they are trying to sound like anyone else, they do their own thing, they have always had that hardcore punk of old influence and that does not go well with most "modern" guitar tones.

While the ambient thing is not really my cup of tea, keep doing what your doing as long as your happy with it.