It's winter again.

Well England is just horrible :(

Not to bitch and moan, but i wish i was where you lived in the summer, as for winter, north-east coast means we get the winds from the north sea...

back home across the country its just rain and misery... anyone who's seen the news about the floods in cumbria washing away the bridge and the cop who was directing traffic, thats close to home...

want to live some where warmer!!

Texas sounds nice... or florida...
I live by the sea, that is said to be mild... but today 1ºC and rainy... so sensation of coldness is even worse... mountains around are snowed, this happens only 2 or 3 times a year. Not enough for snowboarding, for that I have to drive 3 hours.
Inner towns have reached -10ºC

Who thought Spain is only sun and beach is completely wrong!

Not in the Canaries, 25ºC these days :heh: Yeh, I know we're more in African territory than in Spain.

BTW, Some friends and I were laughing a lot with El Reno Renardo, lol, we didn't know you till a couple of days, congrats for the hits
Two weeks till Xmas and its 84 F down here (feels like 89 with the humidity) Do you know how much it sucks to break a sweat walking from the car to the front door for Christmas eve dinner? Just once, I would kill to see snow on Christmas.....once...