ITT Greg and I chit-chat

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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Hi Greg! How is the wonderful world of college administration going for you today?

I've had to come in early all last weekand all this week and it's actually not too bad. Getting here a half hour before everyone else is nice.

So this 7 string business - I LOVE this guitar! I've never owned a neck-thru-body guitar before. Also the active 81 pickup is unreal. I spent a long time last night cleaning and polishing it and then played it for a bit through my little fender combo and it sounded amazing even through that.

I can tell I'm going to have some trouble with the lack of fret markings and the thicker neck (on the higher strings past the 12th fret mainly).
college administration is going alright. my last day is friday.

i haven't been early in like years i bet. ok maybe that's an exaggeration.

7 strings are alot of fun! i myself am not a huge fan of the emg sound for my own tone but i bet it sounds killer for what you do.

what are you using for the B string? i use a gauge .60 or .70 bass string but mine is a fixed bridge and i wasn't sure if yours was?
holy crap! I'm using a 56 gauge right now, and yeah it's a fixed bridge. here's a picture:


Scott took out the "neck" pickup because it was getting in the way of his picking. I probably wouldn't have used it anyway, but I'm thinking of getting something warmer put in there eventually to give myself some more tone options.

I just took an irate call about a business card request. Speaking of which, do you ever have to interact with the Admissions or Development offices there?
if its fixed i suggest trying the bass string thing. i got the idea from jeff loomis of nevermore and his shit sounds so tight when he's chugging on the low B.

i have to admit i'm not all that psyched on the 7 string JB pickup. it sounds pretty good but i feel like there could be better ones out there.