ITT is the story of my life


Aug 30, 2001
I died reading this. It's so far beyond true and basically sums up my everyday experience at work perfectly.

How A Web Design Goes Straight To Hell

haha I deal with the micro manager, the waffler, and the wannabe on a daily basis :lol:
Another favorite of mine is when someone says "Just do it, I'll know if I like it when I see it."

Cool, so you're telling me there's a very likely chance that I'm about to waste half a day on your shit project.
Another favorite of mine is when someone says "Just do it, I'll know if I like it when I see it."

Cool, so you're telling me there's a very likely chance that I'm about to waste half a day on your shit project.


There should also be a comics somewhere about bad files/formats/request from clients.
You know, the classics: "Here's a Jpeg, 20dpi, please add that to my poster" Or my all time favorite:
"here's a PDF of an ad that someone made for me in 1998, now I have many changes for it..."
- I would need the original file...
-"I sent it to you, it's the PDF..."

Oh boy.

There should also be a comics somewhere about bad files/formats/request from clients.
You know, the classics: "Here's a Jpeg, 20dpi, please add that to my poster" Or my all time favorite:
"here's a PDF of an ad that someone made for me in 1998, now I have many changes for it..."
- I would need the original file...
-"I sent it to you, it's the PDF..."

Oh boy.

I get the editing .pdf one all the time. My other favorite:

"I need to scan this printout into a Word .doc" Well what the fuck did you print it out from to begin with?
"What's an EPS file and how do I open it?"

Also, since a lot of the stuff I do is for radio stations and the client promotions they do, there's usually an on-air aspect involved as well. For instance, a client might buy some on-air spots and also choose to do a contest or advertisement on one of our sites. They usually ask if we (not me personally, but our company) can write the copy for them. So, since it goes on air, they type it in ALL CAPS so it's easier for whoever's voicing the spot to read.

Since people here are lazy, this means I FREQUENTLY get copy for the website that's written in all caps. The sentence case feature in Word is terrible so this results in me having to retype copy. I hate it more than anything.

"Can you try a cooler font?" wtf? Seriously.

"Kevin I'm SOOOOOOOO SORRY this is so late, but is there anyway you can get this up by close of business? I promise this won't happen again!!!!" This is another constant. From the same people always. It ALWAYS happens again. It's like they think apologizing somehow makes it OK to do this all the time.

Funny, this thread is actually keeping me from doing the job I'm complaining about right now haha <3
I seriously thought about creating a font called 'Stand Out', and instead a family of 'italic' 'bold' 'roman' etc,
mine will have The BIG AND RED style, The Underlined, The ALL CAPS, The font size 720pt, The extra glow+drop shadow, the tripple underlined and trippled glow, etc.

That font will come in handy every time a customer will tell me: "can you make it stand out more???"
OH boy, I get ALL of that! The website cartoon was right on the money and exactly what they did to me during our site revamp.
I'm starting the new catalog cover and boy oh boy have I got some great ones!

"I want a high end look. Like BMW. Can you add some sort of rainbow like glow inside the font?"

"What font is that it is way too fancy? Ariel? Can you find something simpler?" I couldn't make this one up if I tried.

Ever see that Geico commercial where the guy comes in the new tagline? I had that happen to me a few weeks ago, I almost died.