ITT we predict how we're going to die!


May 22, 2003
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Thats right, folks! In this thread we will predict the circumstances in which ourselves and others of this forum will kick the bucket!

Me - One too many cheesesteaks, dies of heart attack at age 35
Will - Freak Aneros accident
Nolordy- Freak toilet-clogging accident
John - Drug Overdose/Panic attack leading to cardiac arrest/Freak nigga "accident"
Morganna - Diabetes from being so goddamn sweet to everyone all the time
Emily - Smote by a vengeful god

I'm fairly sure I'm probably going to die of a stroke or heart attack from atherosclerosis, but as an indirect result, it'd probably be from a toilet-related incident, yes.

Laura: In a severe panic attack, her penises turn on her and rape her to death.

Cara: Dies in a freak mirror flexing accident.

Kevin: Chokes on delicious pizza due to chewing in the middle of taking jumping pics.

Karen: Dies when her boot collection collapses on her.
Isabel: dies from multiple cat wounds from her 60 million cats she will one day own..
Shannon: dies from avalanche caused by climate change
Me: Dies in Greyhound bus accident
I really need to start jumping again. It's been way too long. Spring is coming, I should jump for dem tittays! :kickass:

oh btw awesome thread!
Jumping pics require numerous variables. A good place with good scenery (I won't take jumping pics just anywhere, it must be a worthy spot or a worthy height), decent weather cuz who wants to jump in the rain, someone else competent enough to take the picture. It's sad and surprising how many people really suck at taking them. These things are not easily accomplished here in the winter.

Or sometimes all it takes is liquor and a camera haha.
Max will get into a heated Star Wars vs Star Trek debate and the ST fan will kill him.

Will will get blown up in a Walmart explosion.


Emily will die trying to defend Max in the Star Wars/Star Trek debate.

Can't think of anymore
More like

Brooks: Gets clubbed in the back of the head with an aluminum baseball bat and dies instantly, completely unaware of the fact that he's even dead now.

edit: while in the middle of some sweet ASS SHIT.