ITT we predict how we're going to die!

My body will one day simply stop working from a lack of sleep.


Cara: a heart failure from too much meat (although the flexing thing might work too)

Kevin: Jumped off an edifice that was just that little bit too high

NoLordy: slain by rebelling rape ninjas

Dead_Winter: death by tl;dr

Isabel: beheaded by excessive headbanging

Karen: stabbed twenty-three times during hawt lesbian secks by a heartbroken forumite

Jen: stabbed twenty-three times during hawt lesbian secks by a heartbroken forumite

Russell: mistaken for a horror movie villain and shot by police

EricT: spontaneously combusted in a flaming malfunction

Rox: suicide by wrist-slitting after being called a "Frenchie"

Neal: choked on own beard while sleeping

Will: dehydrated from excessive crying

LRD: partyvanned after another case of child molesting, beaten to death in prison

Chromie: dragged to the depths of the ocean by a giant squid he thought was, "saying hello".

Emily: suffocated by enveloping hymen

Warrel: choked by pancake nipples

Jim: choked on what Warrel made him swallow
Derek will die from shock when seeing Will Bozarth quoting Schopenhauer.

Joe will die from shock seeing Karmic quoting him.

Kevin will die from shock seeing Gojira headline a tour.

Liverslapper will die from shock when he is shocked by electricity.

Kvlt Wench will die from shock when she sees Rihanna wearing a Celtic Frost babydoll.

Will Bozarth will die from shock when he sees Laura go on to be a wealthy and successful entrepreneur.

Warrel Dane will die from shock when he sees Jeff Loomis post on the Nevermore forum.

Karen will die from shock when she goes to MDF and no one solicits sehks from her.

Max will die from shock when he actually reads a book.

El Stormo will die from schlock.