I've been inspired...


Madly in anger with you
Apr 2, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
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by bobvex to completely pimp out my Randy Rhoads. It's a Korean or somethin model, and it's in dire need of some mosifications. Here's a list of things I'm planning to do to it:

New neck. My current neck is a 22-fret, maple/rosewood, dot inlay. I'm going for a 24 fret neck with either the sharkfin inlays or a custom inlay.

New hardware I'm planning on replacing my black hardware, pickguard and Liscensed Floyd with either chrome or gold, depending on what kind of finish I wind up putting on the thing.

New finish Right now, it's a Trans Blue top with black back and sides. I'm thinking of refinishing it in black with gold or silver pinstripes or bevels. Haven't decided yet.

New pickups a given. Haven't decided on Duncans or EMGs yet.

That's all I can think of so far. Basically, I figure it'll be a lot cheaper and more rewarding if I do all these mods myself(with help, of course) than if I get a custom Rhoads made. Have you guys got any advice on how to do some of this stuff, or know of any places where I can get parts? Besides Warmoth, I'm trying to shop around.

And have any of you done anything as radical as this to your guitars? how did it come out?
Well, you should definitely get an OFR for that thing, that would really help, and the new neck is definitely a good idea, and pickups as well. For all of this stuff I recommend ebay, because there you will find rare stuff, for cheap prices. I think the three that I mentioned should be your priority, and after it plays as good as it can, then start worrying about the cosmetics. Good Luck!
I've decided on black with blue pinstripes, instead of gold or silver. Either that or the Eddie Van Halen finish in black and blue, cuz that would look just awesome.

I just wish I could get blue hardware for the thing:(
Hmmm, another idea. I'm thinking of using this guitar for standard C, so if I get a new neck made, what would be a good scale length? Obviously somewhere between a standard neck and baritone, but does anyone have any ideas as to exact measurements? that would be a huge help.
A few things to consider regarding neck swaps:

When you swap the neck, pay attention to the number of frets and the scale length. Since your Rhoads was built for a 22-fret neck, it won't take just any 24-fretter without modification. A 24-fret neck is longer than a 22-fret of the same scale length - so if you just slap it on there, you'd end up with a guitar that won't intonate, since the 12th fret would no longer be at the center of the strings.

If you get a Jackson 24-fret neck, you'd thus have to make the neckpocket deeper to get the neck in a correct position. The neck would then intrude into the neck pickup route, so you'd have to sacrifice the neck pickup, and it would look like a hack job unless you plugged the pickup route with wood/filler and refinished the guitar. You'd also have to redrill the holes for the neck screws for the new neck position.

Your safest bet would probably be a Warmoth standard length neck with the 24-fret fretboard (the one with the huge fretboard overhang) - you'd still have to sacrifice the neck pup, but you wouldn't have to deepen the neckpocket and redrill the mounting holes. I don't know whether the Warmoth neck profiles are anywhere close to the Jackson ones though.

Hey Bobvex, ever been to the site www.projectguitar.com ? Im pretty sure that this site has all that book has, plus forums to ask VERY experienced custom guitar builders about what you are doing, it's where I always refer to, and it has never failed me.