I've been thinking of a new idea.


It is ours you know.
Apr 27, 2003
South Lyon, Michigan, USA
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I was thinking that we could have a list of rankings. At the bottom of the list would be the Peasent class (essentially for the newbies), and as you win more and more, you become higher in the hierarchy. Say at the top of the list would be Consul or Caesar or a 4 star general. What do you guys think?
I like this idea,I had thought about this a bit,but more like me being your Caesar and you guys serving me.
O.k. how about something like this: (this is based on the Roman social class)

Lower Classes:

0-3 wins: Slaves (servi)
3-5 wins: Freedpeople (liberti or libertini)
5-8 wins: Foreigners (peregrini)
8-12 wins: Latins (Latini)
12-15 wins: Commons (plebians or vulgus)

Higher Classes:

15-20 wins: Patricians (I am not sure what the Latin name for this is)
20-25 wins: Equestrian class (Equites)
25-35 wins: Senatorial class (senatores)

And I could break the higher rankings up into different things after senators:

35-45 wins: Tribune
45-55 wins: Consuls
55-65 wins: Dictator
65-75 wins: Emperor
75-85 wins: Julius Caesar
85-100 wins: Augustus Caesar
100+ wins: Jupiter (God of all Dieties)

Or should we make these more militaristic rankings. I am not sure what titles make up the Roman Army hierarchy, but I could do some research on it if you want.
Or it could be something like this: (this is just another a rough draft)

Lower Military Class:

0-4 wins: Peasents
5-9 wins: Auxiliary (infra classis or Lightly armed troops)
10-14 wins: Gladiators

Middle Military Class:

15-19 wins: Urban Cohort
20-24 wins: Legionaire
25-29 wins: Praetorian Gaurd

High Military Class:

30-34 wins: Equites (knights)
35-39 wins: Centurion
40-44 wins: Trubunis Laticlavius (General of the Cohorts that make up a Legion)
45-49 wins: Legatus Legionis (Official commander of a Legion)

Senatorial Classes:

50-59 wins: Senator
60-69 wins: Consul
70-79 wins: Dictator
80-89 wins: Gaius Julius Caesar
90-99 wins: Augustus Caesar (Octavian)

Diety Classes:

100-109 wins: Mars
110+ wins: Jupiter

Hmm...I am trying to think of better names for the lower and middle classes. Do you guys have any ideas?
So we'll have to battle each other?
Damn,I'm gonna have to get the original game for me to be able to beat you all into submission
dezar said:
Perhapes you could use titles that are more reconizable to someone who doesnt know that much about rome....just a thought
Well, actually a good amount of these terms are already put into the game.

The only one's I wouldn't expect every to know is Legatus Legionus, Trubunus Laticlavius, and the Equites class.

Consuls are of course the two leaders of the Roman Republic. Senators are usually part of the Patrician class. They were used mostly in the Roman judicial system and discussed new laws. A Dictator was a military leader who was chosen to take over Rome during martial law, and his service time was for six months.

The Equites was a special class of Roman citizens. They were considered neither Plebian or Patrician, and they filled the titles of the Roman army. They were the knights of Rome.

Gladiators, if people did not know, were used in the Roman army. They were the ones who did the dirty work for the Romans. They were their to serve the Roman army in order to gain freedom. Auxiliaries were the skirmishers of the Roman army and were normally non-Roman citizens. They consisted of Roman Velites, Hastati, Archers, Triarii, Principes, Javelin throwers (but it wasn't the pila that was thrown) and shock Cavalry.

I have no idea what the Urban Cohort was and what they were used for. I do think that they were used to gaurd the city of Rome itself. I'll have to look that one up.

I had to do some research on the Legatus Laticlavius and the Trubunus Legionus. Maybe it should be switched to just Commander and General.