i've figured out, possibly the most disgusting taste in the world. EXPERIMENT!


human plant/container.
Nov 3, 2002
1. scratch your head, until there is a little white stuff collected until your fingernail.

2. take this same fingernail and scrape the white stuff off your tongue.

3. slide a thin, sharp object until this fingernail, collecting this thick, white paste.

4. eat.

5. vomit.

*shakes fist in air*

i did this entirely by accident.

why? not sure.

i believe it's even more disgusting than the time i ate sea cucumber intestine, which is day-glo orange, goopy, and looks not unlike runny boogers. extremely salty, and is considered a delicacy in japan (sort of the equivilent of caviar here.) but really, it tasted like USED SEA DILDO.

have you ever seen a sea cucumber? my god.
Creepily, I had just been scratching my head while replying to the Camus thread, and was cleaning the white stuff out from under my fingernail when I came upon this. I stared at the post (an omen?), then down at my fingernail...then I quickly cleaned it away with a nail brush. Sorry, but you can have your gross taste all to yourself.
don't you people have any curiosity?


it's your own body! i suppose you have no interest in cannibalism either. and i suppose you've never tried a scab.

i hope you AT LEAST admit that you eat a booger on occasion.
There is at least one living sea cucumber that you can touch, pick up, play with, whatever... at the boston aquarium.

We used to go there all the time as kids and scramble for it, because once you got it in your hand, you could aim it at your brother and squeeze it, sending an icy stream sea-cucumber pee into his wincing face!
Originally posted by FuSoYa
We used to go there all the time as kids and scramble for it, because once you got it in your hand, you could aim it at your brother and squeeze it, sending an icy stream sea-cucumber pee into his wincing face!

hah, I've done that before! At the baltimore aquarium I do believe.

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