Kazrog said:
You can theme OS X with ShapeShifter. Problem solved.
I don't care that much how it looks, but how many manhours they spent making it look this way while other parts of the OS needed serious bugfixing.. (like the ultra poor HDperformance under 10.2..)
BeOS is back as YellowTab Zeta. It's fucking killer!
Fuck, didn't know that! Just before Apple took over Emagic they started transporting Logic to BeOS.. Damn, if only Steinberg...
Oh yeah - I don't recommend using Logic (no wonder you had problems.) That software still has a long way to go. Apple inherited a beast!
No, Apple screwed it, raped it. I own (notator!) Logic since 1.5, my first Mac was a IIci.
Under OS8/9 there was no competition, people bought it to run on top of PT hardware (so did I). Killerapp. But under OSX you have two sorts of coding: carbon and cocoa. Carbon is a sort of Rosetta, making it easy to switch from OS9 to OSX, cocoa is sort of OSX 'native'.
I had this little app (Ape) that could make all the cocoa'apps give the metalbrushlook, like Mail and stuff. But only the cocoa's, so it was a nice way of finding out which app was OSX native and which wasn't.
Logic wasn't ported to OSX, it ran (crawled) under carbon 'emulation' for two years.
The development was pushed backwards I guess to be able to write apps like iPhoto and iMovie and iSuck & stuff, so the senior morons of this world could connect their digicams to a firewire port of their stylish iMac and watch their (grand)children vommit over the internet.
It was then that I decided that Apple clearly had other priorities than making my main software run good again so I downgraded to Logic 5.5 pc (as did many others).
Now I run all sorts of DAW's, just what suits me. Logic 7 seems to be worse than Logic 6. Maybe 7.2 will run ok on the new macintels, will give that a look. At last Apple will run some decent hardware inside their beautycases.
The new Intel cpu is great, much better than the P4. And their chipsets & stuff don't give you that AMD 8131 shit UADowners have to endure on their G5's.
Anyway, the policy of Apple concerning Logic Audio pissed off a great deal of loyal users. And made them switch.
So thanks to Steve Jobs I own a pc. Imagine that.