Ive got 3 things that are really bugging me and i dunno what to do at all.


New Metal Member
Sep 25, 2008
1. How do i make a natural snare sound like these really massive sounding triggered snares like i saw on the sample section called "born snare 1" and "caliban snare 1" - or at least how do i get superior drummer sounding like that! - ive tried what i thought would work - but no luck - i really love the sound on 'Ruination by job for a cowboy' - the whole kit sound but espesh the snare

2. What can i use for a Bass amp sim - ive tried a version of the Ampeg one but it doesnt like Vista - FUCK VISTA!! - any other really great ones?

3. my sub kicks/drops sound really weak in the mix - like flat - you know the sonic boom type sound - any tips on how to get that to sound like its actually effecting the song....not just a fart noise

all help would be very apreciated :D :kickass: :headbang: :puke:
The thing with snares and most of your instruments is to have a rough idea of what you're wanting to achieve, Which seem to have. I suggest picking the snare that sounds most like the one you'd want without it having any effects on it. THEN play around with compression and e.q, its not going to sound that good unless its behind a full mix though. Tbh you might get away with d.i'ing your bass and LP/HP two identical tracks. Then to add some grind on the HP one use a distortion plugin and e.q to taste.

Sub drops just clip your song, make your own with a sinesweep but if you search there are plenty of subkick topics on this forum:)
1. Experience
2. Try any of the free ampsims (8505, SoloC, any of the Preampus Metal stuff from AcemBarGig, etc. and get an impulse loader - kefir is good and free)
3. Better sample.
1. i cant get experience right now - what would you suggest as a starting point - for EQ and compression

2. ive got revalver - if thats any use for bass

3. ive got the TD808 - subkicks - is there any other samples you could suggest
As far as the snare goes I can't realy help you there, I've been struggling with my snare sound lately and I've come to the conclusion that the actual sound/tuning of the snare you're recording is EVERYTHING. No amount of eq or compression will make a shit snare sound like a good snare. It'll just sound like an eq'd & compressed shit snare.

Also, asking for a starting point for snare eq+compression is really no good, every snare and every song sound different. Hell if you have the right snare in the right song you might not need any eq at all! And depending on the drummer you might need very little compression. Really you just gotta work with what you've got and learn what makes the snare sound good to you.

For bass stuff sometimes you can just get away with compressing and eq'ing the DI. If you want some grit duplicate the track, high pass it and run it through pretty much any amp sim/distortion and tweak it till it sounds good in the mix.

Subdrops can be a pain in the tits I find. I've only used it for one band but I found that using a blend of 2 subdrops helped. As far as it effecting the song goes thats all down the the compression on the master bus I find. It can be tricky to get the balance right as having the sub too loud will cause your whole mix to dissapear, which obviously sounds shit. Multi-band compression can really help you here I think.
just started using aptrigga to layer samples with the ones in SD2.0 and it makes a world of difference layering your kicks and snares! Makes SD2.0 100% more useable imo. Depending on the sample of course...
put a mute ring on the snare. one of those clear plastic things. seriously. search this board for pictures of mik'ed kits for an idea of mic position. if it needs more snap, try miking the bottom as well.
put a mute ring on the snare. one of those clear plastic things. seriously. search this board for pictures of mik'ed kits for an idea of mic position. if it needs more snap, try miking the bottom as well.

I like those too, and haven't had a problem the handful of times I've recorded drummers when they were using them (at my insistence :D) - some people say they're prone to rattling around though, which I guess makes some sense if they're older and aren't lying completely flat, so that's where moongel and/or tape with crinkle-like folds in it comes in! Ooh, or just scotch-taping a wad of toilet paper down, that's worked well for me in a pinch :D
Well if its any help... ABG has 7 dedicated computer bass amps coming...also 7 Matching guitar Heads for them too.
