i've had many titles given to me over the years


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
Greg Massi:Library Assistant
Greg Massi:pizza Shop Specialist
Greg Massi:Lead Guitarist for Maudlin of the Well/Kayo Dot
Greg Massi:King of Bling Bling
Greg Massi:Love Man
Greg Massi:Asshole
and who could forget, Greg Massi:Ruler Of All That Is Good And Righteous

But now we add yet another title

Greg Massi: Assistant Director of Financial Aid/Direct Loan Coordinator complete with pay raise and my own office. :)
whoa...i think i had a dream that toby was telling me you DIDN'T get the job, and we were all sorrowful. and i didn't realise it was a dream until this very second.

greg-of-my-dreams, gratz!

offices are nice. you can put up pictures of stuff and constantly refer to "my office".

"Meet me in my office."
"I think I left that in my office."
"I need a new plant for my office."
"My office smells like cabbage."
"The key to the universe is in my office."

the pay increase is even more key, though.
wow. thanks everybody. :)

and chupe, you'd be surprised to learn that having my own office is almost as key as the pay raise just because after two years of being at the front desk, my brain is completely numb.

the only weird thing about this is that my boss says i will have to dress more professionally which means no more cargo pants. :(

But I'll go shopping at some point and get some sexy new pants, shirts, and suspenders and show them all how bad ass i can make semi-professional attire look much the way i destroyed business casual in my current position.