I've never heard of Devin Townsend

You appreciate flashy music, that much is obvious.

I've had too many arguments with people like you who....

oh fuck it nevermind

Be nice @Buchkoba00 :Spin:

In Absentia is the only album I don't like by Porcupine tree.
Highly overrated imo.
But that's just an opinion.. No need to get yar panties in a knot for o_O
you might appreciated or not , that is to your own discretion and in the facts , if you find DTB boring , thats indeed your opinion and dosent mean the band is actually boring.
Liquidmartin said:
Be nice @Buchkoba00 :Spin:

In Absentia is the only album I don't like by Porcupine tree.
Highly overrated imo.
But that's just an opinion.. No need to get yar panties in a knot for o_O
Thank's Martin. Where the hell have you been? :D

So far I've heard nothing but bad reviews of Devin and his poor attitude, but that's just coming from SX fans.
Snowmaker said:
Thank's Martin. Where the hell have you been? :D

So far I've heard nothing but bad reviews of Devin and his poor attitude, but that's just coming from SX fans.
Hey if you can't trust DVDTalk forum members on this, who can you trust!

His stage presence is just an act. Sure, he makes fun of some people in the audience, but its funny as hell. If you ever talk to him before or after the show, he's one of the nicest, down-to-earth people you'll meet. He helps set up all the instruments, including his band members, for his own show, how bad can the guy be?
Pancakes said:
Symphony X are glorified power metal, as far as I'm concerned. It surprized me when I heard Devy was playing with them, and that Devy wasn't headlining. Meh.

Wow - If Symphony X opened for Devin - it'd go something like this:

Romeo wows the crowd with his sweeps, arpeggios, and incredible riffs - while the extremely technical band wins over the crowd.

Devin comes on - Screams RECYCCCCLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - torments the crowd because "I don't get him" (I get him, im just not amused. If i wanted those antics, I'd sit in on a sixth grade class) , gets booed off the stage, because his skill is uncomparable to that of Symphony X in ANY aspect - Crowd chants for Symphony X to play again - tour ends up being an impromtu SX headliner in every city =)
SX's skills are superior to DTB's in every category, you are right, except for the important one: Devin actually writes good songs. Technical prowess has never impressed me as much as somebody who actually cares about his music, not showing off how fast he does arpeggios and sweeps. SX do have incredible musicians, no question. Do they actually convey any emotion in their music other than: 'Wow, he can really play!', no.

Now, I am not strutting in the SX forum saying this do I? Well why don't you do the same here. You don't like Devin? Fine, tell it to somebody who agrees with you.
SX doesnt have good song writing? Listen to the Accolades, or the Odyssey lately? Those are lyrical masterpieces - but your mind can not convey that. Im just here voicing my opinion like you do - only my opinion doesnt mirror yours. And do you know why no one goes into the SX forums and whines? SX has nothing to complain about - they are so skilled, technical, and have a collection of some of the greatest musicians on the planet.

Im not saying Devin sucks - Im saying theres a lot of bands better than him. Theres also bands better than SX, so im not using a completely Biased opinion.

Im saying in a musical sense - Devin townsend isnt as advanced in ANY aspect of music as Symphony X - including song-writing - i'm just here expressing my opinion of the subject.
urinalcakemix said:
SX doesnt have good song writing? Listen to the Accolades, or the Odyssey lately? Those are lyrical masterpieces - but your mind can not convey that. Im just here voicing my opinion like you do - only my opinion doesnt mirror yours. And do you know why no one goes into the SX forums and whines? SX has nothing to complain about - they are so skilled, technical, and have a collection of some of the greatest musicians on the planet.
That's where you are wrong, I have tons of complains about SX. I just don't see the need to stir shit up for the fun of it, like you obviously do. I have heard the Odyssey, I have heard Accolades, I have a few SX albums here that never get played because I don't find any value in them. You are stating your opinion and I respect that. What I don't respect is the all and mighty attitude you take in coming to a forum about a certain artist and start pissing on his music. What kind of result are you trying to obtain? What ydo you expect people here to do. This is a community of people LIKING Devin Townsend, so people are obviously going to have people getting abusive at a band you obviously like in SX by saying that they are 1000 times better than Devin.

People don't like Devin because he is a skilled musician. People like Devin because he is a good songwriter and he makes good music. Skills are so overrated.

BTW, I saw the tour and SX bored me to tears. I have a good knowledge of their material and it doesn't change the fact that apart from being skilled they nothing to interest me. As for being "some of the greates musicians on the planet" I really doubt it, maybe in prog metal but you really need to look elsewhere and you'll find more skilled musicians with actually something interesting to say with their instrument.
>>>>" Devin townsend isnt as advanced in ANY aspect of music as Symphony X - including song-writing "

Dev wrote a punk record, Symphony x wouldn't do it because they are not able to bring more diversity and more fun to their music, they sound so boring and so pretentious . Dev is a real songwriter, he brings emotion before musical masturbation. Music is not demonstration, music is just entertainment dude.

Nirvana's Nevermind has sold 10 million albums alone in the U.S., it's been certified diamond and Kurt Cobain didn't know how to sweep but people liked his emotion and his energy : It's the same thing with Dev, he plays a music based on emotion, and you probably don't get it because you don't understand music at all...End of this fuckin' and silly story
urinalcakemix said:
Wow - If Symphony X opened for Devin - it'd go something like this:

Romeo wows the crowd with his sweeps, arpeggios, and incredible riffs - while the extremely technical band wins over the crowd

Do you usally come in your pants when your hairy heroes masturbate their instruments ?