I've never heard of Devin Townsend

oldlyonfreak said:
>>>>" Devin townsend isnt as advanced in ANY aspect of music as Symphony X - including song-writing "

Dev wrote a punk record, Symphony x wouldn't do it because they are not able to bring more diversity and more fun to their music, they sound so boring and so pretentious . Dev is a real songwriter, he brings emotion before musical masturbation. Music is not demonstration, music is just entertainment dude.

Devins punk record: Diverse or Desperate?
The Yngster said:
Nirvana is one of the blandest, unoriginal, overrated band in history.

That's probably why so much people bought his records...There are plenty of assholes that don't like the progressive stuff and that prefere simple music ?
You remember the Beatles ? three chords songs ? simple melodies, poetry and all that ...
The Yngster said:
Also, the fact that it sold 10 million copies proves absolutely nothing, except for that it got major airtime on MTV

You're right, absolutly right, but the fact is that he had more success than your favourite super powerful "kings of sweeping" band.
urinalcakemix said:
Devins punk record: Diverse or Desperate?

Funny, really funny...You should get it, he wrote it in one week or something like that .It' s the story of a death metal band that decides to play punk just to get the jackpot . Hilarious concept.
Lemme get this straight... your saying Nirvana was a great band because they were bland and unoriginal? Sorry but I'm just not following you here... And your right that Nirvana had much more commercial success than Symphony X, doesn't mean that they aren't one of the most overrated bands in history.
urinalcakemix said:
..gets booed off the stage, because his skill is uncomparable to that of Symphony X in ANY aspect
Technique is just a tool to express emotion. Without the emotion it is nothing more than just technical wankery.
urinalcakemix said:
SX doesnt have good song writing? Listen to the Accolades, or the Odyssey lately? Those are lyrical masterpieces - but your mind can not convey that. Im just here voicing my opinion like you do - only my opinion doesnt mirror yours. And do you know why no one goes into the SX forums and whines? SX has nothing to complain about - they are so skilled, technical, and have a collection of some of the greatest musicians on the planet.

Im not saying Devin sucks - Im saying theres a lot of bands better than him. Theres also bands better than SX, so im not using a completely Biased opinion.

Im saying in a musical sense - Devin townsend isnt as advanced in ANY aspect of music as Symphony X - including song-writing - i'm just here expressing my opinion of the subject.
Symphony X are powermetal with some prog in it and a vocalist who is the metal version of Queen. But in the end they are rather straightforward, sure they have fast solos but compare this band to Allan Holdsworth or Spastic Ink and you see things in a different light.
I have a few SX cds and I'd have to agree with mindspell. I listen to the tunes and now and again I'll go, "wow! that was some solo!" I'm impressed by the skill but there's never anything about the songs that makes me want to go back to them and listen to them again.

but hey, if all music was the same, we wouldn't be having these stupid debates, and having fun, right? :)
but hey, if all music was the same, we wouldn't be having these stupid debates, and having fun, right? :)

You're right
some days ago I was surfing the web and I landed on the Superjoint Ritual site...You know the superdope ritual project of Phil Anselmo. There's a live chat on their site and for fun I chose the "SJR sucks major ass" login to meet some new friends online...ah ah ah what a blast !!! I got insults all the times from fans calling me "gay" "asshole"...etc just because my login was "SJR sucks major ass"...It was lot of fun and finally it was the truth because SJR sucks major ass...Especially this Junkie of Phil that spit on his old bandmates from Pantera now
I saw SJR at a festival. Phil was the king of wit!
"You fuckers. No wait . . . you MOTHER fuckers . . ."
I mean how many rockers will correct their phrasing in the middle of witty stage banter so fans know exactly what's going through the performer's head?
kleo706 said:
I saw SJR at a festival. Phil was the king of wit!
"You fuckers. No wait . . . you MOTHER fuckers . . ."
I mean how many rockers will correct their phrasing in the middle of witty stage banter so fans know exactly what's going through the performer's head?
That's crystal meth...It fucked his head, all the guys in this band are junkies...
Musically SJR is boring, the singing is just screaming now, there are no more melodies and Phil destroyed his voice with too much abuses...All this shit he speaks about, regarding the deal Elektra is just stupid . He complains about big record companies, about how the system sucks and he does a show for MTV...
This guy should definitively clear his mind and shut it up .

To finish with this poor Phil, I don't understand why he started to spread shit in the medias about Vinnie and Dime . Show us something musically Phil, we don't care about your internal conflicts and this war with your old bandmates.
It is almost the same with a guy like Mike Muir. Suicidal were great and Mike Muir used to waste everything with too much speeches about how the sytem sucks, how the music industry sucks...etc I don't give a fuck !!! Play your goddamn music and shut it up