I've now found my perfect set of strings

I use the same gauge Devin Townsend uses for... well, almost the same tuning.

I want to get myself 11-52's and tune to Drop C.
Bumping this thread cuz now I REALLY have found my perfect set of strings - thanks to Jeff's (JBroll's) help in figuring out a more even tension distribution, I now use these:


With the stock .20p and .32 replaced with a .22w and .30, respectively (I bought 'em individually from juststrings.com), and it's just fucking awesome! Apparently it comes out to ~16 lbs. of tension per string in C-standard, which is about the same as .10-.46 in E-standard, so I'm a happy man! Thanks Jeff!
And yeah, no more .52 for a low-C for me :D (just had to man up and get used to crazy pinch harmonic vibrato on the third fret with the .54, and it was well worth it for the tuning stability!)
Wow some of you use thin strings for low tunings.... If I use anything lower than a 60 for C, it's all flubby/in and out of tune....
Does anybody use Elixir strings? I found that 10-52 nanoweb set feels best for me in Eb tuning. For seven string I use 10-52 + 68

Old Engl Screamer clip
Here's the reason why I love a .54 in C - crazy pinch harmonic vibrato on the low frets!

Just been doing a fair bit of noodling, and this wound .22w G-string (Eb, technically) is HEAVEN - the .24w was too thick, the .20p too thin/twangy, this is HEAVEN :)
Just got myself a few packs of 12-54, was using 12-56, was ok but the G sounded like garbage and felt like garbage so looks like these will stay on for a while! Using C standard that is.
Hmm, another update - still loving the .22w for the Eb (G-string), but the .30 for the Bb (D-string) is a bit too loose/twangy, so I think I'll stick with the .32 that normally comes in the set I posted (so I'll be using that and just replacing the G-string)
Haha, not really, this is just the first time I've tried out this custom set that Jeff recommended to me (and I only put 'em on a couple of days ago), so I'm still getting used to 'em and working out my preferences
Oh wait, I think the twanginess is coming from horrible fret buzzing, cuz I really gotta loosen the truss rod! (but left my tools back at my apartment at school, arrgghh)
Wow, I guess I'm the only guy using 10-46 for drop C. I do use 10-52 on two of my other guitars for drop C, however.
Since last posting I've moved to an 11 15 19 30 40 52 set, in D. Get a bit more attack and definition with the lighter low strings. Tried a .56 (rather than my usual .60) on my 1077XL's low B to see if it had the same effect, though, and it failed miserably. Too floppy!
Jesus I'm using 54-42-32-16-11-9 and I'm playing in drop D! I knew I liked thicker strings but didn't realise I'd got to the point where I was using the same guage as people who are in C and B!