Ive only jus noticed the MOP sample!

Drokk said:
I've heard that he has serious drug problems, and that's why he didn't play Download. Any truth to this?
Could be. He's been smoking a few cancer sticks lately. Next tour he'll probably have one hanging from his gob during the gig.
spitzs lazy eye said:
Could be. He's been smoking a few cancer sticks lately. Next tour he'll probably have one hanging from his gob during the gig.

He's only smoking so he can sue the tobacco company when he gets cancer!!!
jpike said:
Im suprised anthrax never wrote a song called "not"
I'm pretty sure they did in a way. They've never released a song called not, but I remember reading in an interview with Scott around the time of SOWN, that back in the early days, for encores the band would get out a huge Not sign (kinda like the Ramones Gabba, Gabba, Hey sign) and play the Not song. Which was them saying not over and over again over 1 chord. You can hear it, or something very similar at the end of Gung Ho.
Dale_Boulanger said:
to get back on topic, the MOP sample, i still don't notice it, although my copy of i'm the man is on cassette, perhaps it's not on there, what part is it at?
At 1:56, right after "No man it's dick!" there's a short scream, then you hear "Master" right before the next verse.