IW.com - 100 Albums that Changed Our Lives - Part 1

The Great Annihilator and Beneath the Remains respectively but yeah, ok.

Much love for that Botch record, but if I were to add a single hardcore release into this it would be Breach - Kollapse
that album is def. unbelievable. once you hear "milkman" for the first time, you know. coincidentally, "Fingerbib" is my pinball theme song.
as far as QR albums go as a whole, Promise Land and Rage for Order are both better than Mindcrime IMO.

But mindcrime I guess is the most influential one and the one that got me into them.
At the Gates makes me think of all the asshole jocks who threw insults at me and my buddy Halik in high school when we were blasting Slaughter of the Soul from the 300 watt speaker in his Camaro. All these kids now listen to As I Lay Dying I bet. Faggot ass punks.