Jörg Michael returns to Stratovarius


i saw jörg michael at the lionheart tour here in Germany , but I have to say , his drumwork was not so bad as i ecspected.

Okay Nigel was the better one, but i saw him and Fritz in Wacken 2004 and it was great , a great evening........

So have a good time...
heavycelli - No I was not being ironic. I was just saying that that statement did not say Jorg was staying with Saxon for the time being, so he might have actually left the band already.

And yes, I don't think it is unreasonable for the Saxon fans to want to know what is going on with their favourite band! I'm surprised that they even told us the Lionheart album was out!!!
Paxoman said:
heavycelli - No I was not being ironic. I was just saying that that statement did not say Jorg was staying with Saxon for the time being, so he might have actually left the band already.

And yes, I don't think it is unreasonable for the Saxon fans to want to know what is going on with their favourite band! I'm surprised that they even told us the Lionheart album was out!!!
Thanx Paxoman, then we think the same on this subject thanx for answer..all clear now;)
I am only the webmaster, I am not the manager, I can only publish official statements from the management as I receive them and when they want them published!

Not knocking you Vince, not your fault mate, I just cant believe that something as important as the drummer leaving hasnt prompted a response from the management and everyone hears it from other sources.

Well ive shot off a mail to the management myself asking for information, not holding my breath though but if anything comes back ill post it here.
saxon747 said:
I am only the webmaster, I am not the manager, I can only publish official statements from the management as I receive them and when they want them published!


Its not your mistake Vince...I know that..you do already enough! Big aplause for that!:Spin: Maybe Mister Jensen is Flying on the edge?
Everyone knocks this website (especially me!) for the lack of information. But as Vince says, and has said before, he can only publish information that is given to him. The blame lies with the management, and I hate to say it, the band also. It's obvious that they don't take this website seriously, and that is disappointing. Just as well the fans take it more seriously, and that we show more interest in the band and their new material than the band take in their own website and it's fans.
Paxo - Regarding Vince - I completely agree with you. He can only inform us of what he is supplied with. We cannot personally blame the guy for this problem.
As for the band not taking the Website seriously - I'd like to think that this was not true. But, if this is the case, the band will almost certainly feel the repercussion of this in the long term. The internet is becoming a major source of income for bands more and more as time goes on, particularly for bands - like Saxon - that have a deep history, a strong fan base, but very little airplay and exposure. Internet based media is becoming the main resource, and lifeline, for bands like Saxon. This is a very sad condition for the music industry to be in, but it is a fact!
Basically, if a band does not take their fans' opinions and feedback seriously, the band will lose touch with its client-base and, therefore, lose business. Ultimately, this can only lead to negative aspects of the band and its future.
I, personally, do not think that Biff and Co have let this happen, but they DO NEED to find the time and energy to correspond with the people willing to maintain and perform the related websites, or this problem will manifest itself.
I know I may bore some of you about this but, a few years ago, Marillion were a band that were destined for the junk pile. But they utilised the internet and exploited every thing it had to offer. Last year, Marillion had a Top 10 single and TWO number 1 singles in the Download charts (this poll is now considered more credible than the commercial charts when it comes to decent, adult-based music!). Marillion went onto sell 2 versions of their latest album, resulting in more financial benefits and received a huge round of applause from the entire media (and I mean 'Everyone'!!)
The most important thing is that the fans were kept very, very satisfied and the band made enough money to prove that it was a worthwhile project for all concerned!

I'm not saying Saxon have to copy this method, but it is undeniable evidence that a band can do very well, on a commercial and quality level, without having to gain airplay and commercial exposure. It simply came down to communicating with the hard-core fans!!

On another note, maybe we can look at the communication links that we have with the band and see how we can improve them?
Vince, any ideas?
Macc - I know what you mean. But everyone has different circumstances and attitudes regarding the Internet. I'm sure that we do not expect Biff to personally correspond on the forum, but I think that it is important he actions and maintains a credible communication link for the forum. This will only do good for the band's longevity and, ultimately, sales!
The members of the band DO NOT have to provide input into the forum, but they DO NEED to provide input into parties that will then transfer the information into the forum.
Essentially and professionally, this duty should be considered by the band's Agent.
Thing is Nightwar who says Biff et al don't contribute to the website or forum it is after all anonymous ?

And don't forget you yourself rattled on about Biff definitely reads the forum because of things he said on stage at Wolverhampton !

We do need a sense of perspective though here, yes Saxon are back on the up, :worship: but I saw them play Worthing assembly rooms, not 10 years ago on the Dogs of War tour with only 50 or so other people in attendance.

Now that is not a dig at SAXON because the gig was genuinely played as if it was a crowd of 50,000, but as with every "jobbing" band in the U.K and rightly or wrongly that is the section Saxon fit, it all comes down to cash be it £'s or $'s if all the budget goes on the album production, and tours (because in fairness you can count on one hand the number of bands who make substantial profits from tours!) I frankly don't give a stuff if the website is not up to date.

Finally I'm no techy but if any contributor to the forum is, why not offer their assistance to Vince rather than digging him out eh ;)

P.S. No news is good news in my book................................................. but hey call me old fashioned.
Fingers - I'm not putting a dig into Vince or any members of my favourite band. I was just trying to explain it in a way that makes it good sense to keep the forum up to date with band info.
And I know that band members are not dismissive of the forum - they Do look and Do contribute. I just think that when something like this happens - a member leaving the band - a statement should be made just to tell the fans what the plan is. Details of why it happened aren't exactly needed. I'm sure the fans will be satisfied just to know that plans are afoot and what the effects of touring and recording will be.
I'm not saying that Biff and Co don't give a toss about the fans/forum but I was just expressing how I felt they need to let the fans know of important things such as the recent drummer problem.
Fingers said:
I frankly don't give a stuff if the website is not up to date.

Thanx Fingers for your message:)

To be short . I prefer no website at all, in case the website is not up-to-date. But I understand too Fingers,that sometimes there is no info, just as simple is that..but as Nightwar said, with whom I fully agree ( Not that I disagree with you Fingers:Spin: .., you write good things in my opinion..) we r interested in hat Joerg Michael story, just look at how often that topic is read by the people..
And of course money making is a good thing, nothing wrong with that, also for a band.. but Saxon could make more money in the way Nightwar made clear in his postings.. If I were a manager I should contact and use this website more often, just to figger out what the fans want ( Of course not evry fan is on this board.. there you have a point--how many people are on this board visit it?? anybody knows? For example sometimes I read things about Saxon collectionalbums.. and people write:"cannot stand behind the choosen songs on the collection albums! "What is against a e-mail programm where the fans can give their favourites songs for such an album? I do miss a collection CD with "Red Line Watching the Sky, devil rides out, rocking again, gonna shout etc.. and a lots others that just mis. Its discussed here before..
Thanks for the insight, Heavycelli.
Fingers points and comments are all valid. I mean, who would've thought the band would be playing to a half full room during the 'Dogs Of War' tour! That is crazy talk, but terribley true! It is also true that Saxon are 'on the up' which is brilliant news and testament to the quality that us fans have recognised over the years.
It is also true that Saxon - although it hurts to say - are a 'jobbing band', but this makes me all the more proud of them, and completely reinforces my opinion that the band needs to implement the resource of the Website even more!
So, on a personal note, I feel that the Website ought to be informed with up to date news, because it will reflect on the band's success and, ultimately, longevity.
And, as for Vince - the guy does a fantastic job! The guy's a blessing of Metal!
As for these compilations, Heavycelli - this is commercially possible and would be a great topic (and create a few arguments), but the forum fans would have to assure the sales and, ultimately, the production price. Somehow, I can't see a forum-decided Saxon compilation decided on, simply down to the great catolgue of songs the band has! The choice is amazing and I just can't see everyone agreeing on one setlist.
Also, what's the point of a compilation album for hard core fans? We've got all the stuff!
Now, for example, if Biff and the guys had a trouble building the budget for a brand new album in the future (perish the thought!)? I'm sure the forum would be the best way to get things organised!!