Jack Black


Nov 19, 2001
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I think he is hilarious, and his movie looks really fucking funny. Anyone else love this cherubic fat man who likes to rock out?
I don't find him funny at all. And I don't really need another movie about a substitute teacher who wins over the kids hearts and falls in love with somebody at the end.

i luv his one-liners in some movies... "I have a third nut," "Cominatyeeeehaaa." haha dude Jack Black owns... not on acting but more on comedy. the joke tracks on the first D album r fuckin hillarius :)

D is kool and mooch respect 2 them for makin an all-acoustic (except for Grohl's part on electric) cd.
Posted by Donnie Darko - Today at 06:52 PMJack Black is the modern Chris Farley

Except he is funny- farley was a big fat druggie idiot.
In my opinion, Chris Farley was a big fat idiot. I never once laughed at anything he did- just at him. And to laugh at one becuase they are a big fat drunken drug addict being their out of control pathetic self, is not my idea of comedic talent.

The only person worse than Farley is David Spade- he is just annoying, and one cant even laugh at him. The two of them together comprised the worst popular comedy team I have ever witnessed.