Jackson for Black Metal?


New Metal Member
Dec 18, 2004
Hey, I was just wondering if Jackson has a guitar that is used in black metal. I have read reviews about them and most say that it is a thrash heavy metal guitar. If any of you black metallers out there have a jackson that they use for black metal pls reccomend! I'm at a loss! Oh yeah, the price range I'm looking at is around 500 to max 800 (I'm going to put some emg's in and get some pedals)
Axecutioner said:
Hey, I was just wondering if Jackson has a guitar that is used in black metal. I have read reviews about them and most say that it is a thrash heavy metal guitar. If any of you black metallers out there have a jackson that they use for black metal pls reccomend! I'm at a loss! Oh yeah, the price range I'm looking at is around 500 to max 800 (I'm going to put some emg's in and get some pedals)

Uh... the type of guitar doesn't matter man. Unless you want it to be super grim or something. If that's the case just get the shittiest guitar you can, and run it through a 15w amp.
jackson makes some really good guitars, and some total crap ones. i guess it depends how "tr00" you wanna be... if you want to sound "good" 800 for a jackson is about as low as you'd wanna go, and thats for a used one.

other than that, i wouldn't worry about what guitars are "supposed" to be used for which genres... just play what feels comfortable.

that is, unless you wanna be totally grim, in which case i have an old fender squire with razor blades sticking out of the neck i could sell you :D


Have at it.

Either a Kelley or a Warrior, Black of course.
Sorry for not being clear, but I was wondering if any of you guys that play black metal use jacksons.
thats not really a brand-thing I'd say. just go and try a Jackson. if you like it: no problem with using it for blackmetal! if you dont like it: no problem with choosing something different....

I mean: there are blackmetal-guitarists who play Strats (Marduk for example)
ShadowOfDeath said:
No guitar is selective to a certain genre. If you're a good guitar player you make the shittiest guitar sound great.
everyone says that, i don't get it, they say "Tone is in the fingers" no amount of ampage is going go get great tone..." i seriously doubt that a Fender frontman 15 and a Squire Bullet are goin gto help you achieve good tone.
Does it really matter? How int he world could a jackson be bad for black metal?
It doesn't matter what type of guitar that you have if your playing black metal.

What exactly are you looking for in a guitar that would make it better for a certain style, other than looks? Plus, if you are "tr00", you will never be seen with any instruments, only weapons.
well you have to have some tone in BM ... otherwise other tr00 kvlt nekro-axe-masters (other guitarists) couldn't decipher how to play you misantrhopic hate invocation (song) and play it for their infernal minions of the rchaic dark dimesions (friends) at the Golden Hall of Abyssmal Sorrows (school)
Unless you're playing a pink Samick knock-off from Mexico with flowers and hearts on it - I don't think you have much to worry about in the BM scene.

Here's what to look for as far as what kind of sound you want:

Body wood/Neck wood - different body and neck woods will make a difference in the base sound and tone of a guitar

Pickups - this is obvious - shitty pickups sound like ass

What you're playing it through (pedals and amp) - obvious again

If the guitar is quality in the top 2 categories, and you have a setup as far as pedals and amps that is somewhat in-line with a BM sound - you can pretty much buy what you want. Of course - you may want an evil lookig rig, so that's another consideration. I would put sound and playability first, and looks second.

I just bought a Jackson SLSMG Soloist, and this thing fucking screams. I don't play BM, but I am a big thrash head, and it works great for me. I'll bet with the right pedals or fucking with the one I have, I could get a great BM sound.

Jackson is untr00. You should craft yourself a guitar from the twisted wood of the oldest tree in all the norwegian forests, and then kill a member of another blackmetal band with it and use the left-over wood to set some churches on fire. Then and ONLY then will it be kvlt, tr00, kreig and necro enough to play the cacophony of the darkness of the black soul of human suffering and unbridled supernal ultra-poisoned black blood of the raw black energy in man, aka: four-note tremolo-picked riffs.:)

For added grimnity, you should also wear at least one inverted cross and/or pentagram while you do all this, swastikas are also good, if you're going for that 'extremist' vibe...

Nah I'm just kiddin, I love blackmetal, and Jackson guitars are as much a part of the BM cliche as corpsepaint and nails...well either them or BC Rich...o_O