Jackson for Black Metal?

Nefarious_ said:
Jackson is untr00. You should craft yourself a guitar from the twisted wood of the oldest tree in all the norwegian forests, and then kill a member of another blackmetal band with it and use the left-over wood to set some churches on fire. Then and ONLY then will it be kvlt, tr00, kreig and necro enough to play the cacophony of the darkness of the black soul of human suffering and unbridled supernal ultra-poisoned black blood of the raw black energy in man, aka: four-note tremolo-picked riffs.:)

For added grimnity, you should also wear at least one inverted cross and/or pentagram while you do all this, swastikas are also good, if you're going for that 'extremist' vibe...

Nah I'm just kiddin, I love blackmetal, and Jackson guitars are as much a part of the BM cliche as corpsepaint and nails...well either them or BC Rich...o_O
That was fucking classic. :worship:

B.C. Rich has more of a black metal "image", in my opinion.
Nefarious_ said:
Jackson is untr00. You should craft yourself a guitar from the twisted wood of the oldest tree in all the norwegian forests, and then kill a member of another blackmetal band with it and use the left-over wood to set some churches on fire. Then and ONLY then will it be kvlt, tr00, kreig and necro enough to play the cacophony of the darkness of the black soul of human suffering and unbridled supernal ultra-poisoned black blood of the raw black energy in man, aka: four-note tremolo-picked riffs.:)

The tricky part is beating to death a black metal musician with your grim and necro tone and volume controls and your ancient cursed pickup switch