Jackson Quad-boxes???


-Seeking to know it all-
Aug 5, 2002
Brisbane Australia
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The lead guitarist in my band has a Jackson Quad-box. I was just wondering what you guys knew about these things. Its a 4x12, has Jackson writen on the speakers as well as the steel grate. So does anyone know the story behind these boxes? Are they still available? What speakers do they use?

It sounds heavier and has much more bottom end than the 5150 rig the other guitarist uses. He now wants one of these things and we don't know where to start looking.

Yes, I've seen a few. I'm not sure who makes the speakers, but they were sold by Jackson for a few years in the late 80's early 90's.

If you want to know more, go to www.jcfonline.com and ask in the "Amps and Effects" forum.
well pull the fucking thing apart and find out what speakers are in it. what the hell is union 9? am i so ignorant i must ask these questions?

oh and mykill, u know any good rituals for sacrificing preamp fuses?
A good ritual envolves Urine,Milk,Hair of A dog and a looped cd of Iron Maidens Number Of The Beast Song recorded backwards.Place offending fuse(s) in a badly drawn Pentagram(Your Motley Crue-Shout At The Devil picture disc will suffice).Drink at least a litre of Full Cream Goats milk,leave in system over night.Once awake and busting,empty full bladder onto the fuse(s),trying to keep majority of waste in the pentagram parimeter.Now hit play on cueing reversed,looped Maiden song,insert Hair Of Merlin up ones Ass,sit up-right,naked and in fetal position in centre of milk,pissed pentagram and spin anti-clockwise nine times,then repeat the same clockwise.
The fuse(s) should now be primed and ready for it's(their) decention to the firey pits of gizzmo hell.
Praise Hail Satan.