jackson help KE3 Q?

Nocturnal Emperor

Why so serious ?
Jun 8, 2002
Manchester United Kingdom
i have an ibanez RG 570 ex but i am thinking of selling it and replacing it with a jackson KE3 but i need to know a few more things about the KE3. 1 are they neck heavy. 2 what are the pickups like and do they produce a good sound. 3 are they a comfortable good playing guitar and are they better than an ibanez Rg570ex
Well, many people say the kelly is neck heavy and a lot of people disagree. I think it just sits differently than most guitars.

Some people claim if they let the neck go, it'll nose dive, but that might be due to the fact that they prefer a guitar that the neck tends to point up, like a KV tends to point up at a 45 degree angle, and a warrior a bit less than that, and a strat about level with the ground.

I've never had much playing time with a Kelly, so I cant tell you much on my opinion on them. If you go to the Jackson forum, you'll get a wide variety of answers on the neck heavy issue (which does appear to be a legitimate concern to SOME people).

The pickups are Duncan Designed on the KE3, I think, and they're not as good as real Seymour Duncans, IMO. The Duncan Designed I've owned in the past weren't quite my thing.

As for the quality, they're great guitars. Better than a RG 570? I think so, but I'm sure others might disagree.

Hearse, a guy that posts here ocassionally owns one and loves his. Maybe he'll see this thread and comment...
I have a KE 3, and I do love it. Not as much as my KV2, though. The Kelly is a bit neck heavy, but it isn't anything that is overbearing or anything. I believe the pickups are "Dunkin Design", but I will be honest with you, I have never had an issue with any pickups, (given that they are humbuckers), because whatever tone they produce can be modified with processors and such.
....except that some pickups are muddy in the lower register - something you can't really EQ away (I've tried). My RR3 has stock Jackson pickups in it (I'm guessing it was made before they started using Duncan Designed), and these are muddy as hell on the 6th string. Instead of tight, palm-muted chords you get this awful droning sound that isn't really useful for anything. I'll replace them once I have some funds to spare...

The words I'm hearing about Duncan Designed, is that they are "ok" pickups with good output - a lot of people say they prefer them over EMGHZ's for instance (which really doesn't say a lot). Some people claim they are a bit muddy, others do not. You'll probably want to replace them later in any case.

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Sunbane said:
....except that some pickups are muddy in the lower register - something you can't really EQ away (I've tried). My RR3 has stock Jackson pickups in it (I'm guessing it was made before they started using Duncan Designed), and these are muddy as hell on the 6th string. Instead of tight, palm-muted chords you get this awful droning sound that isn't really useful for anything. I'll replace them once I have some funds to spare...


Hmmm, it seems that when I made my statement, I had neglected to think about palm muted chords. My bad, lol.