Jackson X series thoughts?


Mar 26, 2011
Newport S.Wales
Does anyone here have any experience with the Jackson X series? Since the Japanese factory closed they seem to have got rid of their mid range guitars and replaced them with this series.

I am a little worried about the quality of the maple neck thru and basswood wings, especially considering they get a floyd special, neck binding and EMG 81+85 in there for ~£600rrp but I can't really justify the amount a USA special will cost.
Yeah, how much difference to the tone do the wings actually give? Assuming it was good quality wood it wouldn't be too bad :p

edit: the rrxmg white with pinstripe is the model I'm looking at!
To be fair if its a "Live" guitar it should be absolutely fine. I guess I only get worried if it was being used for serious recording. The pickups cost half the amount of the guitar itself! :p

Corners will have been cut somewhere!

I say get one and let me know how it is ;) haha

Got a green SLXT couple of months ago and pretty much love it. Plays comfortable, put a Bare Knuckle C-Bomb into the bridge position, thing freakin rips..:loco:
Yeah I have no doubt it will be a superb player, Jackson always are. It seems they are saving some costs by using the same neck on every model, I think I'm just going to go for it and hope for the best haha! Probably take out the EMGs and fit in some duncans with a coil tap.

edit: I'm not really too worried about the basswood as long as it's of decent quality, I think petrucci had a massive tone on awake and that was a basswood body.
I guess the costs are being cut by having them made in India rather than Japan.

Don't know how bad that is... doesn't look as bad as "Made in China", tho. :p