
Random Axe

Common Sense Man!
Sep 27, 2002
Cincinnati, OH
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Well, here's a band I NEVER would have had the chance to Listen to if not for this website. I clicked the links one day and saw a few bands listed I'd not heard of. I went to their site and was absolutely floored by the samples I heard. It's not the true prog metal I'm mostly into, not anywhere close actually. It's light prog with tons of depth and lyrical substance that goes beyond what a lot of metal had become now, superficial.

I've now got Fanatic, their latest and have their debut on the way. The rest may be a little tricky since I think they are OOP. The singer is excellent, but much different than most prog vocalists. His delivery is warm, smooth and he stays in the mid range throughout. This may be too mellow for some, but it suits me just fine now in my old age.

I read Enchant toured briefly with these guys. Sounds like a good match. They have a new album coming in Februrary, so I'll be all over that as well. Thanks for including this link on the site.

Jadis is great. Their albums are a bit hard to come by, but I'm hoping Inside Out will start releasing their OOP stuff as special editions as they did with their debut, which is actually my favorite of theirs. But yeah, great band, and I hope you enjoy MTMTE!
Their debut "More Than Meets The Eye" is the best one I know from them. "Fanatic" was my first and I loved it, but I really prefer the debut.
Oh, and you might buy "Somersault" cheaply from me, btw. Can't get into that one, somehow. Strange, eh?

Btw, they are very funny on stage, too. Especially John Jovitt on bass, who always seems to have a great time.