Jag Panzer pics from Allentown

Cool pics! I brought my camera with me but I realized too late that my battery was dead and I didn't have time to go scouring downtown Allentown for a place to buy one. :ill:

Oh, and does Chris ever take a bad picture? Jeez. :oops:

This is my first post here. I managed to catch the show last night in Allentown. Here's a link to the one decent picture I took:


I would have taken more, but the security guys said that cameras weren't allowed.
-Rummah :headbang:
Rummah said:
This is my first post here. I managed to catch the show last night in Allentown. Here's a link to the one decent picture I took:


I would have taken more, but the security guys said that cameras weren't allowed.
-Rummah :headbang:

I hear ya about the cameraso_O Look at the pic of Chris playing the purple guitar in the pics I posted and you'll see the guy who kept telling me to stop taking pics:err:

What were you wearing? I was wearing my Decade Of The Nail Spiked Bat longsleeve and I was talking to a dude next to me with a Jag T too:cool:
I was the over-the-hill fortyish guy all dressed in black. I didn't know anyone at the show, but the crowd seemed cool. I also blew my monthly CD budget in the dealers area downstairs. I almost didn't make the show, having just learned about it the day before.
And what the heck was with the rules in that bar? No bottles in the "Green Zone" near the stage. No bottles downstairs in the dealers' area. No going back to you car after you entered the show. And no camera after the people at the ticket booth told me it was OK. Look, I have worked as a bouncer myself, so I sympathize with the security guys and don't give them any lip. The only thing I could figure out was that since it was an "all ages" show, things had to be a lot tighter. Whatever.
Actually, I was grateful that they asked to see my ID. At my age I dont't get carded too often. Heh.
Rummah said:
I was the over-the-hill fortyish guy all dressed in black. I didn't know anyone at the show, but the crowd seemed cool. I also blew my monthly CD budget in the dealers area downstairs. I almost didn't make the show, having just learned about it the day before.
And what the heck was with the rules in that bar? No bottles in the "Green Zone" near the stage. No bottles downstairs in the dealers' area. No going back to you car after you entered the show. And no camera after the people at the ticket booth told me it was OK. Look, I have worked as a bouncer myself, so I sympathize with the security guys and don't give them any lip. The only thing I could figure out was that since it was an "all ages" show, things had to be a lot tighter. Whatever.
Actually, I was grateful that they asked to see my ID. At my age I dont't get carded too often. Heh.

LMAO!! The guy at the door carded me too:tickled: I told him I was over 21 and double that and you've got my age:loco: so I guess i'm an over the hill 40ish Metalhead too:D I didn't spend much downstairs ($50.00 maybe) but I did buy a Trouble shirt for a good friend in England and had the band sign it for him:cool:

I can understand about pic taking to a degree if the band doesn't like it but I don' think they care too much to be honest.

I had the bouncer tell me 3 times to stop taking pics :p

I had a blast as i'm sure you did:headbang:
after finally seeing the band Live...I am a devoted fan now!!!! the band is really good at playing live and in the studio..Chris is a world class guitar player who seems to be having fun and enjoying playing...what a relaxed band to see live...thank you!!! Vocals were beyond stellar!!!!
Jerich said:
after finally seeing the band Live...I am a devoted fan now!!!! the band is really good at playing live and in the studio..Chris is a world class guitar player who seems to be having fun and enjoying playing...what a relaxed band to see live...thank you!!! Vocals were beyond stellar!!!!

Yes! More Panzer people. :) We'll have to form little networks so that we can all get together whenever the band is in our areas. Seriously. :headbang:

Zac said:
It's true Chris does not take bad photos...but he looks like he's about to back one out in this one.


Here is what I was thinking!!!
ah tis a proud moment indeed.
Iam so glad Chris has decided to enter the wonderful world of ridiculous & often horrid photo-shoping.

Iam afraid now though, and will not be posting any photos of myself.
God knows what or who my head would end up on... :eek:

Chris ows me more than a few visual assaults, after all I did invent the "Brodsteen"