Jagermeister Tour

Mar 13, 2006
Tacoma WA
So the Jagermeister tour rolled through Seattle last night, great fucking metal show. Hate Eternal were good, Nevermore rocked well, Arch Enemy totally kicked ass and Chimaira did a good set. Has anyone else seen this tour anywhere around the country? What did you think?
unfortunately, not coming down here to texas. always miss out on killer shows liked that.

not a huge chimaira fan, but can stomach them. is kevin talley still kicking the skins?

evil c.
saw this show on the 28 Hate Eternal kicked ass:rock: the sound of the guitar was ok but the drum was too loud we almost only heard kevin playing drums and Erik soloing ;) the crowd seemed rather cold towards them, i guess no one really knew them. the ground near the stage wasnt even half-full :/ i fell sorry for them cause the were the best band of the show and they got less enthusiast from the public then the others :/ 10/10

unfortunaly we had God Forbid instead of Nevermore =X
i didn't know them very much,not really my style either but they were ok, their sound was great though. 9/10

i don't like Chimaira so i went away when they were playing but i guess the fans liked them there was a big trash. N/A

Arch Enemy, good as usual the sound was perfect,they had a good setlist(they played my fav. bury me an angel =) ) and Amott/Angela rocked the place =) 10/10
man here in australia there arent any big tours like jagermeister or sounds of the underground, like there are a couple of things like metal stock but thats like an 8 hour drive from where i live, and i cant drive yet:mad: and theres like no international bands on the bill... but i do get to see cryptopsy this sunday:kickass: