James and The Absence


New Metal Member
May 8, 2005
Hey James,
My band has been touring with a band called The Absence which I believe you recorded if I am right. Did they use their amps on that recording or did they use an Engl. I thought I had heard Peter say it was an Engl but I am not sure. Also those have to be some of the funniest/loudest guys on the planet. it must have been fun recording those dudes.
Yeah amazing band. Pat has probably one of the biggest 5150 sounds I have ever heard and Pete's cobra well it's a cobra so of course it sounds amazing haha. Not to say 5150 dont sound good haha. well you guys know what I mean.
i didn't record them.. i only mastered their 3 song (morrisound recorded) demo that got them signed.. i was in europe when the time came to do their album, sadly.
Ah got ya. Out of all the time spent on the road with them I don't know why I never really got the chance to talk to them about it much. Probably bc of all the rediculous shit we were constantly saying, but the stuff sounds great non the less.
killians8546 said:
Hey James,
My band has been touring with a band called The Absence which I believe you recorded if I am right. Did they use their amps on that recording or did they use an Engl. I thought I had heard Peter say it was an Engl but I am not sure. Also those have to be some of the funniest/loudest guys on the planet. it must have been fun recording those dudes.

If memory serves me correctly the entire new record was tracked with an ENGL Powerball thru a Marshall cab w/ vintage 30s. Lead tones were boosted with a Maxon OD808.
HAHA Hey there!! yeah I dont want to eat up this board with chat so ummm yeah email me some time or something let me know how the bands going. I didn't know how to get in touch with any of you guys. kylerakes8546@yahoo.com
YES! Good call. I saw Cynthia your manager Friday and then saw this thread and had to put in my 2 cents....congrats on the CD coming out, the songs sound great. I will be sure to get the CD when its out. I live in Lauderdale and play in a nu-metalish/metalcore band called Scars of Life, we just put a CD out...

puremetal666 said:
YES! Good call. I saw Cynthia your manager Friday and then saw this thread and had to put in my 2 cents....congrats on the CD coming out, the songs sound great. I will be sure to get the CD when its out. I live in Lauderdale and play in a nu-metalish/metalcore band called Scars of Life, we just put a CD out...


Wow, small world. I used to be in a technical death metal band with your drummer. We never played any shows or anything though, pretty much just rocked out in the warehouse. I remember Anthony too. He was in Jason's other band at that time and we shared the same warehouse. Best of luck with your new CD!
zer0skilz said:
Wow, small world. I used to be in a technical death metal band with your drummer. We never played any shows or anything though, pretty much just rocked out in the warehouse. I remember Anthony too. He was in Jason's other band at that time and we shared the same warehouse. Best of luck with your new CD!

That's crazy !! It's definitely is a small world...
Oh wait, I forgot something else. I played in a band with Bryan Cegon, the lead vocalist in Disincarnate for about 4 years...that dude is a whack job!! LOL!
Well, this is a stretch but...

The name of one of the bands that Jason and Anthony from your band used to be in was named Incessant Torment, which I think they ganked from the Disincarnate lyrics for Confine Of Shadows.

Hmmm...maybe we could make a new game. Six Degrees of James Murphy? James has ties to like every band in the world right? Shouldn't be a hard game...

puremetal666 said:
Oh wait, I forgot something else. I played in a band with Bryan Cegon, the lead vocalist in Disincarnate for about 4 years...that dude is a whack job!! LOL!
yeah, Bryan has gone through some pretty messed up things in life. when he was in Disincarnate he was a young fresh-faced kid that just wanted to sing in a death metal band and get laid. he was as straight edged as they came back then... no drugs or drinking at all. i caught up with him a couple years ago and he had been through the ringer and then some... i hope he straightens things out and gets back on track.