James Murphy Namm Question


Sep 21, 2005
New York
I was just curious as to what equipment he was using at Namm 06....in the video you can see the Mbox for recording and the guitar....what amp is that? POD XT Live? Kick ass playing too :headbang:
hey..., i was using Kazrog's Mbox and my laptop with Digital performer.. i played into Kazrog's Pod XT Live, the XT's output went into one of the Mbox inputs, my llive guitar input from the xt live was mixed in the Mbox with my backing tracks off DP on the laptop and the whole "mix" was sent out in stereo from the Mbox's 2 outputs directly into the inputs of two Laney combo amps that were on hand at the Caparison booth, making them a kind of makeshift PA. the combos were, of course, set totally clean.
yeah that was awesome...the tone was pretty good as well. I'm thinking about picking up one of those XT Lives' tomorrow and an Mbox....any thoughts on that XT Live? Is that something you normally use? or are you a tube fanatic? Just curious ....sounds good from what I hear in the video. Thanks
cool....so I just picked up the XT Live....anybody have any decent presets? or do I have to get the Metal packs to get any good sounds...thanx!