All Pod users (old school, XT, XT Pro)


Sep 20, 2004
All of the samples you guys hav posted of Pod in all versions and forms have gotten me wanting one. I used to have a regular Pod Pro years ago but my computer wasn't up to par enough to use it with direct recording, so I was left with using it with my Mesa 50/50 power amp and 4x12. The tone from that wasn't really bad but lacked as far as "playing with a band" goes. Years later I'm really getting into sofware/hardware amp sims and what not (still working with Amplitube) and am really looking into Line 6 stuff again. I really want the Pod Pro XT but I'm curious as to if I can just get the regular Pod XT and get the same results? (cash is an issue of sorts) Or would a regular Pod do the job? I know the cleans in either old school or new school Pod will do just fine. I'm more looking forward to some good distortions. I've moved out of trying to nail any one person's or bands certain tone and just want to mess around with good sims and have less hassel. So give your comments/user experiances/suggestions and what nots. :rock:
I myself just got a PODxt(not pro), but I am more than happy with the results. I was really sceptical, but as long as you spend time screwing around you can get sounds you are happy with. I would definitely have another idea if I got this in the middle of the finals week or something, but now that I am in the winter break I have LOTS of time to screw around with sounds... I would get PODxt if you don't want to play live and PODxt Live if you want to. For me(again for me) pro seems like a waste of money...
I think Andy was indeed using the Pro, but he got it for free... :D

So if cash is really a factor I definitely would go for the kidney bean... Also if you find some more money afterwards(100 dollars to be exact) you can get 36 more amp and 35 more FX models. I might go for the model packs myself, if I can sell some of my other gear(like practice amps, extra sets of pickups, my TV and stereo I don't need)...
People always ask me how I get such insane tone on my recordings... PODxt... Once you figure it out, it can throw some serious tone in your face. For the price, you can't find a better tool for a guitarist. My .02.
Awesome. I was more leaning toward the regular Pod XT. Althought I'm still confused as to what the major difference are between the regular Pod XT and the Pod Pro XT. Is one more suited for playing live while the other straight for studio? Because I just need the one dedicated for studio only.
i believe that the pro is a rackmount version of the regular pod, with a few different output jacks than the regular version. line6's website might have more details.
Well there no major differences imho... The differences are:
-Pro is rackmount.
-It has an effects loop.
-It has extra digital I/Os.
-It has a re-amping option.
-It has a balanced analog out.
-You pay 400 dollars more.

As for live playing, PODxt Live is definitely more suitable. It has this stuff as extra:
-An expression pedal
-FX Junkie Model Pack(35 more stompbox models)
-Better compatibility, extra features with Variax guitars(who fucking cares)
-MP3/CD player, drum machine input(this might be useful)
-You can add another expression pedal to it and have both a volume and wah pedal and that could your whole live rig.
-I am not sure about this, but as it has dedicated stompox on/off switches, you probably can use more effects at once.
-You pay 100 dollars more.

I would say if you would be mostly making bedroom recordings with POD, get the PODxt. If you have a studio(amateur, semi-pro or higher) get the PODxt Pro. If you will be exclusively playing live with it, the PODxt live is a no-brainer. It has very nice features for a live rig and it is the most comfortable one to control with feet. (on the other hand it is hard to deal with for a person who records in the bedroom because of its size and less comfortable buttons. The bean(PODxt) is a better option for that).
I have always been disapointed that the non-pro pods neither have a spdif out nor a balanced out. I understand that there is some cost saving involved but we're talking about around $5 per unit. I mean, from it's inception it's a recording tool right?
Maybe I'm totally off base but from what I can tell there are only about $100 worth of differences between the POD and the POD pro.
egan. said:
Maybe I'm totally off base but from what I can tell there are only about $100 worth of differences between the POD and the POD pro.

Maybe it's the pretty anodized red faceplate? :loco:
The re-amp feature is quite nice. For example-You can record with the Engl amp thru your analog outs and clean thru the re-amp. Then come back and put a 5150 or Marshall on the re-amp track. Then you have one guitar take....thru TWO amps. Just like a Vetta! S/pdif is nice, I just use the analog outs anyways and run my Pod XT Pro thru a custom made fizz remover type box then thru Summit Audio vacuum tube mic pre/direct box. If Line 6 didn't create these model packs...I would of sold it months ago. But, all the model packs kick ass. I've been experimenting with some cool plug-ins along with the Pod and man the tones are MONSTER! :OMG:

Shop around...I got my Pod XT Pro brand new for $515.00 U.S.D.
That was in April of 2004. Plus $99.00 for the model packs.
So with a Pod XT Pro and all the model packs you get 72 amps..Vetta II has 73. You get all the stomps and modulation effects the vetta has too. 128 pre-set spaces. Also, when I record bands with "real" drummers...ha ha ha. Not DFHS, they track thru the Pod XT Pro. A few kept the scratch track and layered it with their real amp!
Line 6 has another update coming soon. Was suppose to already be out!
commandante said:
I would say if you would be mostly making bedroom recordings with POD, get the PODxt. If you have a studio(amateur, semi-pro or higher) get the POD Xt Pro

I would honestly say I'm a bedroom recording guy (mainly because all my stuff is in my bedroom). I have a Phonic MM1805X mixer into an M-Audio Audiophile sound card into a 2 GigHz, 1 Gig ram PC running Cubase SX 2. So yeah, I'd say I"m pretty low key bedroom action. The Pod XT is sounding more tempting is seems to fit a budget better. As far as the add on packs, I probably wouldn't get these just yet. I'd like to mess around with the amps it comes with and then possibly upgrade if I feel the urge. Oh yeah, thanks to all of you for giving advice and input.