Pod xt Live reamp?

Forge Farm

Oct 6, 2004
Aveiro, Portugal
Hello all.

I'm considering buying a POD, but for me is really important that I get one with reamping capabilities. Is the Pod xt Live enough or should I be looking for the Pod xt Pro rack? And will I need any extra sofware and accessories?

Thank you in advance.

Forge Farm said:
Hello all.

I'm considering buying a POD, but for me is really important that I get one with reamping capabilities. Is the Pod xt Live enough or should I be looking for the Pod xt Pro rack? And will I need any extra sofware and accessories?

Thank you in advance.


u need to buy a usb cabel to update your fimware etc.
the pod xt pro ( rack ) has moer outputs so is better for live usage.
podxt is really good stuff
Mendel said:
u need to buy a usb cabel to update your fimware etc.
the pod xt pro ( rack ) has moer outputs so is better for live usage.
podxt is really good stuff

Thank you very much, Mendel.

And does anyone knows if there is any problem recording a bass through the POD? I know Line6 has PODs for bass. Does this mean that using a bass through a guitar pod could damage it, or is it just a question of effects?

Forge Farm said:
Does this mean that using a bass through a guitar pod could damage it, or is it just a question of effects?

I personally heard about a lot of people recording bass through Guitar POD without any problems, I think Diabolic from this forum was one of them. I don't have a bass with me though, so I can give it a shot, but I am fairly sure it is safe.
I noticed no problems recording bass through POD. with some factory update i recieved a few presets for bass so i guess there will be no conflict.
well and i got much bigger basssounds out of the pod instead of connecting the bass directly into my soundcard.