James Rivera: The new HELSTAR album will sound like 'Nosferatu'


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
Reading Blabbermouth.net I came upon this wonderful quote from James Rivera:

Antenna: What will the future bring you?

James Rivera: "Here's what I think I'm going to do now.
I'm going to do another DISTANT THUNDER record. And I'm
going to do a HELSTAR record. Just like KING DIAMOND did
it with MERCYFUL FATE. Instead of combining the two bands,
or getting rid of one of them, I'm doing both.

The new HELSTAR album will sound like 'Nosferatu',
because my new guitarist writes material like that now.
Very technical stuff. DISTANT THUNDER will be more
straight-forward, melodic stuff, and HELSTAR will be
technical as hell.

Read the full interview here:


This is the best metal news of the year!
"Nosferatu" is my favorite Helstar album by far. And I am very excited to know there is going to be another technical hight quality album like that. :headbang:

Now the waiting has begun!
Hawk said:
This is the best metal news of the year!
"Nosferatu" is my favorite Helstar album by far. And I am very excited to know there is going to be another technical hight quality album like that. :headbang:

Oh yes! :Spin:
That's some awesome news you're bringing, Hawk!
Nosferatu floored me the second I heard it and I'm as glad as you are that they're making a sort of a musical sequel to it!
I'm sure you drop me a line when the album is there Hawk ;)
Rivera ranks high in my metal list these days, I love the Seven Witches stuff too !!
This sure is good news. Nosferatu kicks ass. I have to say I prefer the second album 'Remnants of War'. Anyway, anything by Helstar/Seven Witches/Destiny's End/Distant Thunder is great. :headbang:
I am so glad to see I am not the only one who is excited about this news. Mind you, it could take a couple of months before they actually record another Helstar album. But still, this is fantastic news :)
The Grimace said:
Rivera = awesome vocalist, but he's a big douche.
Of course opinions can differ, you can meet people just when they happen to have a bad day. I met James Rivera 3 times. All of those 3 times I spoke with him for more than 30 minutes. I found him friendly and very nice.

Can you explain why you think he's a "douche"?
Hawk said:
Can you explain why you think he's a "douche"?

My band's manager has known the guy for 15 years (Helstar is from right up the road), I've played shows with the guy, talked to him plenty, done merchandise for Helstar and Seven Witches when they came through a couple times. And yeah, he's a nice guy and all, but he's still a flake. Actually, Jack Frost is a much bigger flake, but James is still douchy. I won't tell the stories, cause I don't like starting rumours and all that.

How's that for a 'not talking out of my ass' opinion? Rare around here, those.