Jamier jasta is the biggest phoney...


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
I have ever met. First of all HATEBREED is the biggest wannabees I have ever met and ontop that BIO - HAzard did it first and atleast had integrity.
JAmie is one thumb short of 2 thumbs down.... and hate breed sucks. I'd rather listen to madball. anyone who thinks Hatbreed have inegrity is a fool.
I'll bite jamies other thumb off. I may be drunk, But HATEBREED are still posers.
Billy ,Im going to let that go, just because your drunk ............I saw Hatebreed last year at a local club down here and god damn they were heavey, so I guess Im a fool................
You might as well throw me in the fool catagory as well
(Like I'm not already there) They were the HEAVIEST band to see on the 2nd stage at Ozzfest!! Pretty fucking heavy!!!

old school headbanger said:
Billy ,Im going to let that go, just because your drunk ............I saw Hatebreed last year at a local club down here and god damn they were heavey, so I guess Im a fool................
I'm back biiitches!!! With a mouth full of gauze and stomach full of vicodin!!! Yeah, I'm with everyone else here Billy...I don't really listen to Hatebreed's cd's but I will contest that they are a really good live act that can throwdown with the best of them.

Sidenote: Someone please punch the fucking shit out of my dentist PLEASE...My mouth is fucking wrecked right now....I am taking donations for percocet's, lortabs, valium and vicodin....So please send them ASAP
I like some of Hatebreed's shit. It can be pretty catchy. BUT, the band members are lying pussies. They said they kicked Seth Putnams ass, which isn't true! They were just punching and kicking air, while Seth was standing to the side of them with his arms crossed. The guitar player is also a wigger.
I saw Hatebreed a few times.

I will not be going to see them for awhile though. Jamey Jasta was starting to get on my fuckin nerves--he did a lot of yacking during the show.

They did, however, do every song they had, so it wasn't all that bad, and they rocked 'em pretty hard too.

Jamey even came up to me after the show and introduced himself. He's a pretty nice guy i guess.

I think he should quit the Headbanger's Ball. He is the most boring host i have ever seen. I never thought i would ever say this--but they should bring back Riki!
I have to disagree with you Billy. Hatebreed kicks ass live. Jamey and Matt are pretty good guys to boot. Everytime I have seen Hatebreed live I have left very happy. They dont fuck around, and deliver a great in your face show.
Buzzard said:
I have ever met. First of all HATEBREED is the biggest wannabees I have ever met and ontop that BIO - HAzard did it first and atleast had integrity.
JAmie is one thumb short of 2 thumbs down.... and hate breed sucks. I'd rather listen to madball. anyone who thinks Hatbreed have inegrity is a fool.
I'll bite jamies other thumb off. I may be drunk, But HATEBREED are still posers.

I'll have to agree that Hatebreed do suck, I never got what the big deal was with them. I heard they claimed to have whipped Seth Putnams ass but when they saw him after the claim they bitched out.

If you dont mind explaining Billy,what brought this on?? Did you see him at a show or on tv and he said some shit you didn't like??
say10 said:
I heard they claimed to have whipped Seth Putnams ass but when they saw him after the claim they bitched out.
Yep. Here's what Seth had to say:

we were playing some metal/hardcore festival in massachuseets. there were 3 stages, the misfits headlined the big stage, anal cunt headlined the middle stage, and hatebreed headlined the small stage. something happened earlier in the room the little stage was in, so the promoter decided to have hatebreed go on before us on our stage. i was in the bar next door the whole day (i wasn't interested in seeing any of the horrible bands that played). when i came in to play, i heard hatebreed were going on before us, so i went back to the bar. during hatebreed's set, lots of people were yelling at them, because they wanted to see us. the singer in hatebreed started whining that they were more popular than us and sold more records. so, i came back to the show when i figured it was time for us to go on. i got on the stage to get ready, and jamie started yelling at me. him or one of his pals pushed me, then 20 of their friends formed a big circle and started punching. they were either punching themselves, or the ground, because on the video of this, you can see 20 wiggers punching, and me standing 5 feet away watching with my arms folded. no one in hatebreed laid a hand on me.

last october, a friend of mine was on the superjoint ritual tour bus, and the wigger faggots from hatebreed were on there also. they were bragging about how they supposedly kicked my ass, and how they would do it again if they saw me. a little later, i showed up on the bus, and they didn't say a word to me. i didn't say anything to them because i don't remember what they look like, so i had no idea it was them. they just looked like some run of the mill everyday wiggers. i got called into the back of the bus, and they sat in the front, and eventually left. so, they are still a bunch of shit talking fags.
the heaviest band I ever saw live was Weezer back in 94, it was so brutal.

Who the fuck are hatebreed. I was confusing them with Hatesphere. But with the frequent use of wigger I guess I am lucky.

Biohazard kicked ass though back in the day.
serial killer said:
I usally agree with you billy but hatebreed in my opinain is the next pantera and I am not some exagerating fan boy

I respect everyones opinion here and I don't think that I'm always right, well maybe most of the time. I just think that they are over rated 2 chord johnnies. Jamey Braggs about his band and their survival skillz but true to form they need 20 guys to fight their fights. That whole hardcore , keep it real, We are tough guys with tat's doesn't fly with me. I have never seen a one on one fight in hardcore or music and I am more hardcore than 99% of these wannabes; ohe yeah, Hatebreed are wiggas- end of story.
HARD-Core YO!!!!
I was at that show (Hellfest), and there was no fight between Hatebreed and Anal Cunt. I was there. Hatebreed headlined the second stage, not Anal Cunt. I would like to see the video he is talking about (cause I might be wrong, but I was sober, and Seth is a drunk junkie), but from where I was there was no fight, Anal Cunt did not go on after Hatebreed. So I smell a rat with his story.

and on another note. Earlier in the day Sean (hatebreeds guitarist) and Jerry from the Misfits were working out. Sean was lifting as much as Jerry, and Jerry is pretty fucken huge. If he (sean) wanted to punch out Seth from A.C. I think he could do it alone. Seth is pretty scrawney.

Just my $0.02 on the story.

Cryptkeeper said:
Yep. Here's what Seth had to say:
we were playing some metal/hardcore festival in massachuseets. there were 3 stages, the misfits headlined the big stage, anal cunt headlined the middle stage, and hatebreed headlined the small stage. something happened earlier in the room the little stage was in, so the promoter decided to have hatebreed go on before us on our stage. i was in the bar next door the whole day (i wasn't interested in seeing any of the horrible bands that played). when i came in to play, i heard hatebreed were going on before us, so i went back to the bar. during hatebreed's set, lots of people were yelling at them, because they wanted to see us. the singer in hatebreed started whining that they were more popular than us and sold more records. so, i came back to the show when i figured it was time for us to go on. i got on the stage to get ready, and jamie started yelling at me. him or one of his pals pushed me, then 20 of their friends formed a big circle and started punching. they were either punching themselves, or the ground, because on the video of this, you can see 20 wiggers punching, and me standing 5 feet away watching with my arms folded. no one in hatebreed laid a hand on me.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
I was at that show (Hellfest), and there was no fight between Hatebreed and Anal Cunt. I was there. Hatebreed headlined the second stage, not Anal Cunt. I would like to see the video he is talking about (cause I might be wrong, but I was sober, and Seth is a drunk junkie), but from where I was there was no fight, Anal Cunt did not go on after Hatebreed. So I smell a rat with his story.
AC was supposed to headline the second stage, but like Seth said, something happend while Seth was at the bar and Hatebreed had to play the 2nd stage. Because of the "fight", AC didn't play. They were thrown out of the venue.

and on another note. Earlier in the day Sean (hatebreeds guitarist) and Jerry from the Misfits were working out. Sean was lifting as much as Jerry, and Jerry is pretty fucken huge.
Jerry Only is buff as fuck!
Yeah, Seth has been talking about that for awhile now and it never sit to well with me either. I can't imagine Hatebreed opening for A.C. either. I like A.C. a little and about the same for Hatebreed. I have to give Hatebreed this though, they tour like crazy...They always seem to be on the road. I think it would get real old, real quick playing the same shit every night and also it would be very grueling on the body too. As far as Hatebreed's cd's go, I only like their first cd.
More to the story:

the cops came after the promoter fucked us over and said we couldn't play, and wouldn't pay us either. i was being a jerk to the cops, and they arrested me, opening the door with my head as we left the building. i'd also like to add that the bouncers at this club were a bunch of fags who thought they were really important. mostly the door guy who said i couldn't come in the club unless i gave him a free cd. i said no, and he said every other band did it, and tried to scare me with an angry look. then he said i wasn't allowed back in. after i told the guy in charge what happened, i obviously got back in, but that fag still tried to give me shit as much as possible for not being afraid of his "authority".