Janne, what do you think of MIDIs?


Child Of Symphony
Nov 12, 2002
I've listened to all of the midis for Children Of Bodom and I like them for the most part. except lil bloodred riding hood. What are your thought on midis?

And yes, what is everyone elses thought on midis as well?
I don't think it's done that well on the midi. Nowhere near as good as Lake Bodom. That's the fuckin best midi I ever heard.
Have you heard Towards Dead End midi? NOT that which you can get from childrenofbodom.net
You can get it from mysongbook.com
Its best midi ever, i think its 99% correct. :p Allmost perfect.
There is no guitar solo in the bloodred midi. That's what upsets me the most. But I guess I jumped ahead of myself. It's really not THAT bad.

I agree with wildchild, needled is fuckin burnin' :hotjump:
Originally posted by Stygian Apothegm
yea it's janne's choice and im sure if we were bugging him he'd tell us.
I'm sure that he would. :bah: But you're also right that I would love questions from people around the world.
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
the best midi I've ever heard was from DT... It was a song wich had a drum solo in the end, and the guy transcribed the drumsolo EXACTALLY like it was on the original recording!!! It fucking ruled! :rock:

do they have one for The Dance of Eternity? thats a fucking insaine song..unless your talking about Dark Tranquility