Janus by Charlie Munro (free modern metal album, FFO Periphery, Gojira, August Burns Red, DevilDrive


Jul 6, 2014
Cardiff, UK
**For fans of: Periphery, Meshuggah, Born of Osiris, Sikth, August Burns Red, Children of Bodom, Devildriver, Devin Townsend, Gojira, Machine Head, Thy Art Is Murder and Veil of Maya. And hopefuly, for some who don't like the above.**

Hi guys! I haven't posted here in a couple of years but this forum was definitely a stepping stone to help get me to where I am now with my music. I just wanted to share my album that I released yesterday. It took me 3 years to complete, and was 100% a one-man show (apart from the artwork) and it has been a great learning experience.

The album was mixed in what is essentially a bedroom (although there is no bed in it) in my house.As this is the recording forum, I'll write a little bit about the production and recording process.

The guitar used for all of the recording was one of my Ibanez Prestige RG2570Zs. The guitar has DiMarzio Crunch Lab and LiquiFire pickups, and was either tuned to CGCFAD or AGCFAD depending on the song. The bass was my Ibanez SR305, tuned to either CEADG or AEADG depending on the song. All guitars and bass were run through my Kemper. Most of the rhythms are double tracked, but occasionally there is some quad tracking.

All drums were written and fully humanised by hand with Superior Drummer. I do not own, nor can I play, an electric drum kit so this was done entirely by hand. The muiltitracks were then printed and treated from then on as if they had been recorded live.

The vocals were recorded using an SM57. They were double tracked, and occasionally quad tracked for some parts.

The keyboards were either played on a MIDI keyboard or programmed in by hand. I am not a keyboard player, so mainly this was a writing tool. All synths were created using plugins that are preinstalled with Pro Tools 11. The one exception to this is the strings, which I outsourced and had them printed through one of the EastWest libraries.

If you want to check out the album in full, here's a link to the album stream on YouTube:

If you want to download it for free, visit my Bandcamp:

So yeah, any questions and I'll be happy to answer. If you want me to check out your song or album drop me a link to your thread and I'll check it out. Thanks for your time, hope you enjoy my album!

Thanks guys!

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