White Washed by August Burns Red


Jul 6, 2014
Cardiff, UK
Hey guys, recorded this last week and spent about half an hour a day since mixing it. I have referenced closely with the original, although the goal wasn't to perfectly match it.

Drums are Superior with some Slate samples, bass was Sansamp/DI and guitar was Ibanez Prestige RG2570Z with Crunch Lab/LiquiFire into a 6505, 1960AV and a Tube Screamer with a 57.

Please let me know what you think, any feedback is welcomed!


Stems available here: https://mega.co.nz/#!t9NQXZKR!04EjAHLhPzLQXvhxXA1burtUxSIKca7E0qerUYQBoLo
mix are really good, turn up your guitars and cut around 2000 , =) (and share DI ahahaha)
Cheers, I tend to boost the 1.5kHz-2kHz range with this amp, I just love the midrange it gives. I'll try dialing back 2kHz a bit and see how that goes.

I would share DI however the only thing I used a DI for was the bass, guitars were straight into my 6505 and recorded with a 57 so all I have are the amp raws, DI bass and MIDI drum track.