Beautiful Mourning by Machine Head


Jul 6, 2014
Cardiff, UK
Hey guys, just wanted to share my latest mix.

Full cover of this MH track.

Drums were transcribed with some humanising added, using the original drum track as reference. Made an approximation of Dave McClain's kit and reinforced the shells with Slate samples.

Bass recorded with an Ibanez SR305 through a DI and Sansamp blend.

Guitars recorded with an Ibanez Prestige RG2570Z with DiMarzio Crunch Lab and LiquiFire pickups. Rhythm parts quad tracked using both the red and green channels on the 6505, recorded through a Marshall 1960AV and Shure SM57.

Focused on trying to get as close as I can to the original track so I referenced with it closely.

Here's the link, any feedback is welcomed!

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The guitar tone is pretty interesting, seems to be less saturated than the original, but it sounds pretty chunky. You might want to tinker with the velocities of the snare fills, and the drums are a little loud generally, but otherwise sounds pretty great to my admittedly really inexperienced ears.