modern/melodic Metal mix In Flames style


Mar 1, 2012
Hello guys,
this is my first "high-polished" production. Usually I do oldschool stuff so I hope I got this stuff right, haha!
I would be happy to have some crits on this mix! Inclusion.mp3

a piece of Information:
Rhythm guitars were quad tracked through a Marshall JCM800 and the matching cab, recorded with an SM57.
Lead guitars were dual tracked with the same setup. Clean guitars are DIs. The bass was DIed through a Sansamp BDDI.
Drums are Kontakt's Studio Drummer. Synths were done with Prolouge and Halion Sonic. Vocals will hopefully come in this week!

Thanks in advance!
The guitars are sounding nice (a little too much 3-5k for me though since they are sounding a little spitty) and the drums lack life.

Your chugs can be edited a little tighter. Chop the ends and apply very slight fade to kill any clicks.

Parallel compress the drums hardcore and blend, shoot a gunshot verb or raise the rooms that you have on the programmed drums.

A good master buss comp is needed as well to glue this puppy.

Hope this helps.

Tune has potential.

Thank you for taking the time to comment. I already do that with the slide fades to avoid clicking, did I miss something? Will check each cut again! Just tried that drum thing, it really does wonders, nice! About the guitars you are right, but I want to wait for the vocals before I make decisions in that range. Helped me actually a lot, thank you!

Will apply all this in the next mixing session.
Hopefully some comments to go!
cool - I would just hit your chuggidy chuggs a little more aggressive with your edits. Don't be afraid to trim off some of that signal that lingers past the beat.

It's almost like there's too much overtone on the palm mutes which is easy to fix.

Good luck!
I agree about the guitar edits on the chugs. I think the drums sound a little too "drum machine" like. Also, the snare sounds a bit thin. I would try adding some saturation to it or a transient designer. Some reverb would be nice as well. I think the mix sound good overall though. The guitar tone was good.