Jaska's broken rib and the dvd release...

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New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2005
Hey you all...I just read on the CoB homepage that Jaska broke one of his ribs a couple of days ago...so I was just curious about what's going to happen today at the show that was supposed to be filmed for the upcoming dvd release...if anyone has any info, that would be awesome. Thanks!
while leaning over his bed to give alexi a blow (alexi was lying on the floor), henkka started tickling jannes asshole (on the top bunk), and janne squirmed and fell off the bed, landing on Jaska's back, cracking his ribs. Ouch.
I bet it was something fuckin retarded. Because if he isnt gonna tell anyone what happened, it was probably pretty embarrasing. Probably like getting in a fight or doing something dumb while drunk. Those guys party too hard.
that's what I was thinking too

Anyway, it's still very sad for Jaska. I hope he gets better soon
WithoutJudgementJeremy said:
while leaning over his bed to give alexi a blow (alexi was lying on the floor), henkka started tickling jannes asshole (on the top bunk), and janne squirmed and fell off the bed, landing on Jaska's back, cracking his ribs. Ouch.
:tickled: ......................................................................ew
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